Saturday, May 23, 2009

Excited, I mean So Scited!

WARNING this post is photo heavy...

My parents came to visit. I told Lucas all day that my friend was coming and he was pretty excited. He thought Anna might not be lost anymore...Anna Sollis and her family have been in Virginia for a week, but it seems like FOREVER! Anyway, I told him it was a friend from far away and his response was "I think today I will go to the airport to go to my grandpas house." I told him that he has to wait till he is 3 to go to grandpa's house again, and he just looked sad. I told Bridget that grandpa was coming and she said "where aaaa you Papa?" I said it was a secret and she pretty much forgot it right there! :)

Here is the video of their arrival...

Joyce held lil' Scarlett while the kids went CRAZY opening their big box of presents...

Bridget kept pinching Grandpa to make sure he was really the flesh! Hahaha.
After the kids played with their new nightlights, and puzzles that you can color on the back, and the FREAKING awesome pop up books and of course the puppy and kitty houses we went to Friday's for lunch.
I don't know what happened while we were waiting for our table to be ready - but - for some reason the front lawn of the restaurant turned into the Witte Olympics...

Running Piggy Backs, and the kid toss...

The kids and the Dad's had fun!
Bridget also enjoyed greeting those who had just stuffed their faces!

the kids ate well, we ate well, and poor Scarlett was left to drool...

Grandpa wanted to take the kids out for ice cream after lunch so we hit Cold Stone.

Grandma just wanted a freshly baked waffle, she shared! I saw the Montgomery's and introduced them to my parents. Its so weird seeing church people not at church!
We took our kids home to nap, and my parents went to their hotel. We picked them up at 5 and headed towards the Boulder County Festival.
We enjoyed the scenery...

and the funnel cakes...

Some Brats, some Brat Breath...

Two jumping things, a castle and a gym. A train ride...

and a CRAZY thunderstorm. I was driving so there is NO picture of that. We had Qdoba for dinner and then parted ways.
This is what the kids looked like when we pulled into the driveway...

Do you think they can handle another round tomorrow? :)
PS--> I saw and talked to Sam Christensen at the Festival, and one person from school was there too. I guess it is true that no matter where I go in Colorado I will always find someone I know. 3 people in one day is a record for me!


Auntie Stef said...

Okay wow... I teared when I saw Lucas's face...thats love.

Cherstin rocks said...

I'm surprised that you don't still have Lucas in a 5 point harness!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

We do but in order to fit everyone in the van we but him in a booster. He normally sits in the big booster with the seat belt though, he is 42 pounds.

Jami said...

My fave is the one with the kids mid-air! Love it!

Cherstin rocks said...

I see. Abby'll be harnessed until she's at least 65 lbs. She's 32 now so that'll be a while. lol

Not saying you're doing anything wrong or you're a bad parent, but usually the recommended minimums for boosters are 4 years old AND 40lbs. I'm pretty sure it's law in CO that kids have to be in a forward facing carseat until age 4.

In any case, it sounds like you guys had a fun day! I love the pictures of the kidd toss. :)

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I didn't even take it that way. I just had him in it for the weekend. We didn't want to have to take 2 cars everywhere. It was my call and I am not in any way offended. He was fine, and we are safe drivers. Obviously it isn't something that we do all of the time. Thank you for your concern?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.