Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fresh and Sing

My kids had quite a day.
*Lucas went to his best friend Robert's birthday party and won't stop talking about it. He did mention that his best friend Anna wasn't there and that he had fun in the water and that Kaitlyn was nice to him.
*Bridget ate 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners.
*Scarlett cried all day, yes cried. She was just having a day, maybe she was having my period, since I haven't...who knows! :P

Nathan and I have a very special bedtime routine and I thought I would share it with everyone.

Every other day my kids get a bath, so there is a bath running for someone every night. (They rotate) While Kid 1 is in the bath, other Kid is doing something special with Mommy, like dishes, or making dessert. Scarlett fits in when she can at this point.

After bath, Kid 1 and 2 and 3 get jammies on and then come down for a treat or to watch a special show like The Upside Down Show or Blue's Clues...sometimes they get to pick.

After that show they come up for teeth brushing and story time. Usually there is a song or two and then Family Prayer and bed by 8:00pm. Nathan usually does all of this so I have time to be on my own. Before the good night kiss and such. What is great about this is that after 8:30pm it is just me and Nathan to talk, or fold laundry while watching a movie or a show. (I don't fold laundry by myself)

Today Lucas kept singing this song that he learned at Robert's house and he just loves it. He called Grandpa, Daddy and Steph just so he could sing it to them. I recorded it because its my blog and I wanted to. Bridget's favorite song it the BumbleBee Song, so we sang that one too. Usually they sing in Lucas's room to Scarlett but today they wanted to stay in the bathroom. I love my kids, and wanted to share, that's all. Good night!


Auntie Stef said...

I love the "poky poky" ahh he and she are so cute. Since Scarlett is having your period is this your way of telling all of us your pregnant? I love the little ones now, I guess one more doesn't hurt. :) I am sure grandpa will love it! haha

Ty Konderoga 2 said...

Nice video, how much are front seats in the bathroom theatre, I want to buy the entire front row.
Now for the serious question...

Auntie Stef said...

Geez... I think Ty was in a panic don't you?

The Halls said...

Too cute -- I love the goodbye kisses!

Jami said...

I love that! So cute! I fold my laundry while watching something, too! Makes it so much less boring! But, I don't let Matt fold - well, not that he wants to - but I like the way I do it, only. lol

Danielle Smith said...

I love that your dad and sis are worried about you being prego again, haha!! I love the PJs and the video and the bedtime routine!! If only my kids were as obedient!! Well, they are usually in bed by 8:30, so that's not too bad.

The Rogers said...

Sounds like our routine, except every other night both kids get baths, together. I SO believe kids sleep better with consistency.

katina said...

Your kids are ADORABLE!!

And guess what...we have the same shower curtain!! I wonder what else we own that is the same?!?

I used to have a pair of flourescent green stretch pants in fourth grade...you? I would wear bright pink socks (with flourescent green socks too!!)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.