Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is how Lucas used to pronounce it.. "guh - snas - ticks", about 2 months into the program he pronounced it "stin-asticks" and then it evolved into "nas-ticks" and today after 5 months he FINALLY called it "Ginastics" No matter how he said it, he LOVED it! The teachers loved him too. Miss Lauren (about 19) would always call on him to do the demonstration because he usually only had to see it once to figure it out. The teachers called him little Paul Hamm, and occasionally would ask Nathan if he was a gymnast because he was just as good at the drills as Lucas! The one thing Nathan couldn't do was the Hula Hoop and I happily showed him how it was done! Haha!

Today was the last day of gymnastics for Lucas, he won't be returning until the Fall, but he LOVED it and here are some pictures of today. They aren't that great because he was just too fast for me! :)

Lucas gave both of his teachers hugs and gave Miss Lauren a special card that we made together. I asked Lucas what his favorite thing about gymnastics was and he said "well, I like two things really...the tumble rocket and the giant trampoline"

In the fall Lucas will be in the Intermediate class with the 4.5 year olds. He skipped a whole level with instructor permission! We are so proud of our little athlete!


Auntie Stef said...

Well Lucas may look like the Witte's but he is athletic like the Horn's.

I am so proud of my nephew, advancing a level :*)

I am also proud that he is potty trained and so is Bridget.

Courtney Lynn said...

Bridget is potty trained?! I have heard of it at 18 months but really? Wow you are amazing!

Where do you go to do gymnastics? You always find the cool stuff for your kids to do. I need to know ahead of time so I can join in too!

What is your schedule of summer events, don't even tell me you don't have one, I know how you are! Hahaha.

Next time you are going to the museum, hit me up I want to come!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

She isn't potty trained, but she wants to be. The problem is that her little tooshie is not big enough to hold up those undies! Hahaha. We will have to wait a little longer to train her. Haha. She does however tell us when she poops and pees! It may be soon enough!

Court--I do have a list of summer activities for the kids, a camp set up sort of...I can print it if you want and you can tell me when you want to go. I am a planner but not that crazy! LOL!

Alley J Baba-racki said...

Lucasino my lil bambino........
You've got the right G but its not for gymnastics its for GOLF,
G-entlemen O-nly L-adies F-orbidden
I'lla teach u, don'ta worry !!
I miss you lil Briggalina (pleeze make mia a Corey face) and you too Scarlet Marie (u cutie) huggs and kisses.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.