Saturday, May 2, 2009


With all of the trials I have had this week (no phone, no internet, possible fracture in Lucas's foot, croup, pink eye, broken jacks, closet pole hitting Lucas's face) one thing that has made every day worth waking up for is the sweet smile of my littlest Witte, Scarlett.The older and fatter she gets the more of her big brother shines through. She may have his looks, but her sweet little personality is all her own! :) What will she get from Bridget? Hopefully not her attitude! :) Hahaha.
Lucas at 1 month and Bridget at 2 months
(just for a little reference)


Jen said...

Sounds like you have had quite a tough week...that stinks, I am sorry to hear it. Scarlett is a cutie though!!!

Druciana said...

You guys make beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...

What is going on over there!!!

Veronica said...

Oops, anonymous is me this time, not your sister or Jared.

Jami said...

I was wondering why there wasn't a blog for a week. Sounds like you've had a rough week, but, your blog update is evidence you survived. Sometimes that's all we can do, right? Quin started smiling yesterday, which was something that helped me "survive" the rest of the day. (One of THOSE days!) Hope you're doing better, as well as poor little Lucas. Glad you have a smile to keep you going! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.