Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Since we all have been going a little stir crazy because we have been trapped in the house (Lucas broke his fever Monday night, but I wanted to be safe) Our Art Tuesday was something simple. Coloring. I bought this GIANT book during Christmas time. My sister and I really enjoyed it, probably more than they did but it was something different. I also took us to the gas station and let Lucas pick out a treat. He picked Necco wafers. I have NEVER tried them before! I let him pay and he was so excited. We colored about 45 minutes.

Afterwards Lucas said to me, coloring in the lines is not very fun, can I have an empty piece of paper? So he continued coloring for another 15 minutes. Bridget was mad I wouldn't let her color my walls. Its tough being a toddler I guess. :)


Jen said...

Your kids are too cute. Man, Lucas looks soooo like a Witte!!! I guess it is because he is one, huh :)

Jami said...

I can't believe you've never tried Necco's! I LOVE them!!! They're my fave! Matt says they taste like sidewalk chalk... lol! Bridget looks like such a little girl, not a baby in these pics! Amazing!

The Cleverley's said...

Wow I don't think I've ever had Necco's either. Are they any good?? Also, glad to hear everyone is on the up and up!!!

MJ said...

Coloring ROCKS! And anything that keeps little kids occupied for 45 minutes (and isn't tv) gets an A+ in my book!

Auntie Stef said...

Ahhh, again the talent that they have. Hugs and kisses to my nephew and neices! (sound familiar)

Jami said...

Conversation Hearts, duh. That's what they're called. (I couldn't think of it!) lol

Jami said...

Necco's taste like Valentine Hearts, the kind with the messages on them that come in the pink box... made by the same company. :) Yum!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.