Sunday, May 31, 2009

Smell dat?

Sunday morning, aaah a nice relaxed day until 10 when we shove lunch into the kids mouths, and put them down for nap at 10:30 so we can wake and shake them up at 12:30 to throw clothes on them and head to our church for the worst time slot on the planet...1:30pm. (we will not be there next week)

Inhale, and let out a big sigh of relief...this is the last 1:30pm church for the year. We are moving to the new building next week and the time is now 11:00 where we will have to keep the kids awake through the entire 3 hour block. It shouldn't be too hard with 2 in nursery and an almost 3 month old.

To celebrate I made Lisa's mini German Pancakes and a little surprise for Nathan...a Heart shaped one! :) He ate it too fast for me to take a picture, I made them out of my crazy 4.5 inch spring form pans that I got for my birthday! I made 2 different recipes and I liked Lisa's for the mini ones, which were crispy and tastes a little like custard inside, and I like the other recipe for the other ones, because they tasted more like french toast to me, and I really like french toast. Everyone in this house had a different opinion! :)
The kids had never had them before and they really enjoyed them! Lucas kept letting us know how wonderful they smelled. I wish I knew! :) I made theirs with a mini muffin tin and they were buttery and crispy...with the powdered sugar they were extra special! Mmmm.
After our big breakfast we played some games, and then read from the family BoM. We then let the kids pick out their outfits, and laid them out and ate a sandwich for lunch, put the kids down for nap at 10:30 and Nathan and I worked on a Thank You card order that I needed to finish for shipment. (which will not be shipped until next week, sorry Teffy)

We got the kids up at 12:30 dressed them took a few pictures since Scarlett was up and happy.
I couldn't pick just one picture to show you, because well...I love them all! Hahaha.

Went to church and came home for pork chops! Don't think all of our Sundays are this peaceful, a lot of them include lounging around too much and unfortunately rushing to get ready and out the door on time! :)

I also need to add that every 18 month old I know starts to make that silly face when smiling, which I don't like. Scrunched up face and head tilted up so their chin is extra large...oh well. They are only this little for a short time right?


The Halls said...

Too cute, I love all the pictures! It's funny you don't have a sense of smell, I've never known anyone else like that, and therefore people are really confused when I don't smell stinky diapers or skunks. Lucky us, right? :)

Auntie Stef said...

Aww how sweet are they? Too cute to handle. I can't wait to see them.

XOXO to them (and you and natty)

The Rogers said...

I tried making the mini cakes and they grew. What did I do wrong? I am a wonderful cook and this is the first time making anything that came out wrong

Jami said...

I still can't get over how stinkin' cute your kids are, goofy smiles and all! ;)

Jen said...

Such cute little kids :) The mini pancakes look yummy!!!

Jeanette said...

I think we still have two more week of 1:30 ... we don't switch buildings till the 14th. Sorry to disappoint you! I love how cute your kids are! I wish I was as good as you about taking pictures!

MJ said...

SO, according to the Bishop (since I have an "in", haha), we've got one more week at the old building. We start at the new building on the 7th of June. And start time is 11.

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I know but we won't be there next week! :)

Laura said...

I love that picture of Scarlett. I can't wait to see her again. By the way I LOVE the header. Thanks for making it for me;) See you next weekend!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.