Monday, May 25, 2009

Tears and the Cory Face

Today was the last day of Grandma and Grandpa's visit. They came over and played a bit and the kids modeled one of the many outfits that Grandma and Grandpa bought them yesterday.

Bridget let me curl her hair, so I flipped it out, it was super cute!

We went to Rumbi for lunch and we ran into the Schwalger's another family from church...people need to hang out with me more since I know where all of the fun is happening! Hehehe.

After a delicious Tropical meal, we took a picture and then hugged and said our goodbye's.
The kids were crying and I said see, they miss you already, but they were fighting over a balloon. Ooops! Once we started driving home Bridget said so softly "papa?" I said "Oh, Bridgey he went bye-bye" Her big beautiful brown eyes filled with tears and she said "why?" "I said he has to go to work" And tears just streamed down her face.
It was heart wrenching that's for sure.

Here is Bridget doing the Cory face (the highlight of EVERY day) lobster husband.

After nap Lucas said "After my Birthday we get to see my Grandpa again!" I told him that was right. He then said "We need to make him a movie so he ra-members this trip" so we did...

We also called him and left a message on the machine. I know my kids had a fabulous time with Grandma and Grandpa. Nathan and I did too, but we all know that its always about my itty bitty Wittes! :)
Both these girls were in the sun the same amount of time yesterday.
Look at Bridget's arms! CRAZY!


momowinnie said...

I think your kids are beautiful and I think all that you are doing with them its great. I wish my 2 could come play with your 3!

Angie BBC

courtney lynn said...

What is the Cory face all about? Who is Cory?

Jami said...

I second that, courtney lynn! Cory?? Love the face, though! And your little Scarlet is so cute! Such a pretty little girl! (She looks like a cutie little elf in the first pic of her! lol)

Druciana said...

Your kids are so cute!

Cherstin rocks said...

Thanks, Val! I don't want her to get discouraged or obstinate about it. As long as she's willing to try today we're going to try. If I don't see much improvement we might put it off for a bit. I'm not about to up and CARRY her to the potty, y'know? And I DO have two kids and am pregnant. LOL

I think a big thing is for her to connect that these things she's feeling mean that she has to go potty and she's not quite aware of it yet. This morning I gave her the option of being naked or underwear and she picked underwear, so we'll see where that leads us.

I value your opinion, though, and won't hesitate to ask questions. :P

Danielle Smith said...

I love that last picture of the girls!! Way too cute for words!! Love the outfits as well!!! Hope you are feeling better! I miss you today BFF!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.