Monday, May 18, 2009

This and That

Since it is that time of year where we all should be doing some spring cleaning, and getting ready to spend our days outside, Nathan and I have started getting our basement ready to be finished. Like walls put up and stuff like that. We have temporarily made spaces for the kids to play and things to be placed since we are adding a bedroom, and entertainment room, a 5 piece bathroom, and a food storage room down there. So as you could probably imagine it was time to sort through boxes, and trash/recycle things that needed to go.

My parents graciously shipped me the rest of my "crap" that was in my room from High School and years past, you know the things that really mattered like Teen magazine and old year books. Well along with all of these treasured memories came old costumes, old soccer uniforms, old synchro suits and trophies that were won over the years that I was in those particular sports. They even included all of my Science Fair and Spelling Bee ribbons, yes I was "that" girl in High School.

Well, I was feeding baby Scarlett who has been asleep for the past 4 days, when I came down to the basement "our new favorite place to play" to check on Thing 1 and Thing 2 and this is what I found...

My kids in their new designer play clothes! Two of my Synchronized Swimming Suits. These were actually competition suits that I wore when I was young. Fancy huh? The pink one really helps Lucas's complexion no?

Then they were racing with flags through out the basement playing race car because they were shiny like race cars. Hahaha.

They also enjoyed playing restaurant, Lucas loves the new set up in the basement, too bad it is only temporary! After I fought them to take off their new "wastumes" we made cookies for Family Home Evening.

These were great because they only had 3 ingredients...Peanut Butter, Sugar and Eggs. The top is melted chocolate with peanuts. Mmmm! I will put them on the recipe blog, all 4 of the ones I am apart of! Hahaha!
People often ask me why I had my kids so close, well folks, here is reason #1...They love to play together and are the best of friends.


Ann Marie said...

You left us hanging...what is it? What is it? I can't wait to find out!

Veronica said...

Hmm, I would have put Lucas in the blue and Bridgie in the pink, but I guess they know better than I do. Why don't you make me cookies anymore? I had all the cookies I wanted when we were roomates, but then I didn't eat them because I was on the no-eat diet. Now that I don't care, you live so far away.

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

You are the coolest mommy! And I am proud to say that I went swimming with you a couple times back in the day, and wish you would have had those costumes back then;) I am gearing up for visitors, so let me know when you come down this way...CHEERS! ps, those cookies look yummy...i am going to check to see if i have the ingredients...

Auntie Stef said...

Val, what am I going to do with you? Where is all my care packages of my cookies and things? I love Lucas in the pink one I just wish he would have done the Can-Can and Bridge in the blue, she should have busted out the Follies routine! Now that was a good blog to see in the morning.

Aldo Nova said...

Why I no getta any cookies in da mail??

C&R Phillipps said...

Holy Cow, Scarlett is skinny! Maybe it's just that Brandon is gigantic that any normal sized baby looks ethiopian to me. That is an extra sweet picture.

Kathy said...

I was just thinking how much I love that my kids play together. Cute cookies.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.