Friday, May 22, 2009

Thoughts to Ponder

A long time ago in an apartment in Arvada...
My husband of 3 weeks commented on my Toilet Paper usage. These are things we need to talk about he said. He thought that a good way to save money would be to count squares and keep track of how many TP squares we were using. Like any other person, I was in utter shock. I mean was he serious? He claimed that he wasn't (after my response) and told me to just drop it. Well, I just couldn't I wanted Everyone who knew him to give him "crap" about this ridiculous idea. So I made a chart and put it in our bathroom, and started to tally how many squares I was using at each "movement" HAHAHA. I had told him that girls require more TP than boys but he didn't believe me. I told his mom about this whole thing and invited her over so she could fill out the chart too, because anyone who uses the facilities should keep track. I didn't want to get blamed for someone else's 15 squares.

Well, Nathan came home and I purposely made Mexican for dinner so he would need to use the potty. When he went in there I heard "Valerie are you FREAKING kidding me?"

That my friends was the end of the TP Square Chart. *sniff* *sniff*

Why are you bringing this up on a Friday post? Well my friends I think he is at it again. I went to to check some stuff out and I found this interesting post...

I've decided to start recycling--Is it possible to rinse out used toilet paper and re-use it?
We get the two-ply, extra sturdy rolls of toilet paper from my husband's wholesale industrial distributor.

I already have an organic, compost toilet installed in my house, and we can't really put the used toilet paper in it.

I thought it would be a great idea just to rinse it out and re-use it. Has anyone tried this before? (my husband goes through A LOT of TP)

thanks and god bless!

Now I thought this in itself was CRAZY until I read the responses....
This is true people, here is the link.... FREECYCLE

Conserving is one thing. Being gross is another.

I just throw it in the washer and then the dryer. It works really well and doesn't get clogged in the little washer holes or dryer filter.Really - try it. Just be sure to wash a HUGE load of it at once so that you can conserve water.

I personally like the effort you put into this but if your not joking you my dear have taken it too far. If you look at my profile you will see I don't often say this. If you have a compostable toilet great combine that with 100% post consumer tp or even better get a bidet attachment and call it good. They have bidet attachments that go on a standard toilet if you have already taken the step to compostable toilet the bidet will be a piece of cake and take care of the bulk of the tp issue.

I am not sure if I really want to answer that, but no I have not tried it.Just give a test-run and put all the used TP in a laundry bag in the washer and let it run.See what you get when you are done.
No.. TP will essentially dissolve when it is thoroughly whetted.. it is not strong enough to be washed and reused. Also I doubt if it would be sanitary.. Maybe if you wanted to use paper towels (a recent Bounty add touted that it could be rinsed and re-used) although that would not be very soft on your privates.For sanitary purposes I would think it will be better if you try washcloths that are designed to be washed and re-used.. Good try though..

Gee. How skanky does a person have to be to come up with this idea?Everyone knows you feed the used toilet paper to the dogs.

I think it would be a better idea to buy 100% recycled toilet paper and not worry about using a large amount. Maybe you could calculate how much you have used and plant a tree for that much toilet paper. To be honest, you would have a better impact on the environment if you invested in renewable energy, such as wind or solar energy. Still, if you are committed, good luck with the toilet paper quest.

I haven't tried it with "two-ply", but it works well with the industrial single ply sand paper stuff I steal from work. Plus after 3 or 4 rinsing it greatly reduces the amount of paper cuts I get down there.Keep up the good work. GO GREEN!!!

Yeah sure, rinse it out, lay it in a flat, thin layer, dry it overnight and see if you can make stationary paper out of it. You could then use it to correspond with all those pesky "you never write me anymore" people.

why not use a rag, this is the nastiest thing i have ever heard of

Hey do your business and hop in the shower that it problem solved... go trees!

I don't think that it is a good idea to reuse. I don't think that it will get rid of all the fecal matter just by rinsing it. If you wash it in the washer I don't think that it would be very sanitary. If you are really worried about it maybe not even use TP do like they used to do before there was TP a rock or some kind of leaf maybe even cut up some towels and use those. I'm sure that could be washed and sanitized. Just make sure you have TP for your guest non recycled please.

We've been re-using our TP for years but we smash it all into one huge lump then rinse it and flatten it out, dry it, then reuse it as facial tissues. Once it's been re-used as a facial tissue, we then give it one more rinse/dry session and it is lastly re-balled and dried again then we make our own Q-tips. A little TP can really go a long way if you're dedicated and patient.

All I can say honey is that if this is you we have two options...

But I will not do 2 ply, or organic/recycled Toilet Paper!
So you out there, my friends, those who sympathize with me and my predicament with my spouse, lets hear your responses... Whose side are you on? What do you think?


Nathan the TP NAZI said...

What my lovely wife forgot to mention is that I was simply trying to say why use 2 Arm spans per PASS when One would do.

Danielle Smith said...

Dude, I always use two arm spans, then I use toilet wipes!! Heck, it's septic safe! I go green in the toilet, I don't need to go green with my toilet paper!!

The Halls said...

LoL This is hilarious. Moderation in all things! Don't get a whole wad you're not gonna use, but you can't use only a couple squares and expect to be adequately clean! Maybe investing in a bidet (sp?) with an airdry fan might be the better option.... :)

Angie BBC said...

Umm, give your husband a break. If he wants you to cut down on your usage tell him that the only way you can do it is by going on an all liquid diet that way all your waste is #1 then do what the boys do...shake and dry!

I am suprise he isn't telling you to not use something else like toothpaste, do you know what those empty tubes do to our environment?

Cherstin rocks said...

Seriously, google family cloth. It's basically cloth toilet paper that you wash.

Yeah, it would save you money eventually, and yeah, we wash our kids' cloth diapers. But family cloth is a little past what I can stomach.

Druciana said...

Wow! I thought that only my dad would think of such ideas. lol

The Cleverley's said...

Ok my husband and I have had the SAME problems. He hates that I go through so much TP. So one day he brought home 1 ply toilet paper in hopes of conser4ving more. I REFUSE to use 1 ply. I'm sorry I don't like getting my hands wet/dirty when I use the potty. Girls use toilet paper. SORRY. I don't get my nails done, and I barter for haircuts, and I haven't dyed my hair since before I was married. For heaven's sake leave me ONE luxury.

Liz and Cory said...

Oh Nathan, just so everyone is clear, Nathan wasn't worried about the environment he was worried abotu his wallet! That's my Brother. Oh adn I use two ply all the time, you use 4 sq of two ply or 8 of single... think about that Val! HAHA love ya!

Auntie Stef said...

Umm first of all Angie BBC what are you thinking not giving Nathaniel crap?

It should not be the end of the TP Nazi when he needs it after Mexican food. :)

You know what brother -in-law of mine, there is a certain someone who feels your pain and also craps like you...You might know of him he frequently uses the potty too. PDH!!!

Veronica said...

Ha ha! I remember when that happened! Girls just use more toilet paper. That's how it is.

Jami said...

Adequate amounts of TP = a clean bum = clean underwears = a NON-hygienically challenged wife... I'm just guessing, but isn't this a good thing? ;)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.