Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Toot and Puddle

Scarlett's problem was gas...(Toot)

Today was park day in the ward, and as usual we were the first ones there. Why they say it starts at 10 when no one comes until later is a question I keep asking myself. Anyway. The parks and rec people were testing the sprinklers which made the park, muddy and wet but my kids seemed to manage. :)
The kids getting their sticky stuff on (sun screen) Bridge got some in her mouth. GROSS!

I told Lucas to practice some safety while walking in the parking lot...

They were being so cute!

Bridget is so into the Big kid swings!

Lucas brought me this pine cone and told me that he wanted to take them home. When I told him we were going to do a special project with it when Robert and Tanner come on Friday he got so excited!

They had a fun morning, and then a special lunchable lunch and after nap we played in the back with the hose and mini pool we bought. (puddle)

Oh, and don't think that they are cute and happy all of the time...just when you sigh with contentment, they are at it again...

What another great day...I'm sure they will sleep well tonight!


shana said...

We had park day today too. I totally keep forgetting to tell you that I want to hear the story of how you and your husband met!!!

Auntie Stef said...

Well, I obviously could NOT restrain myself from looking. I know you post these blog's just for me, so I have something wondeful to look at in the morning everyday, but I cant help it. I knew what you did today and had to look. They are amazing. I love the one of Bridge crying, it's classic. Haha. I wonder what that strange person will say tomorrow...until then...

The Cleverley's said...

I'm notorious for showing up at park days late. I get busy running errands, doing housework, etc. and by 10:30 I realize we need to go to the park! I end up showing up when all of the half day kindergarten moms show up and stay late. I'm just not good at being a "scheduled" person. My husband has tainted me.

M T Drawer said...

Ah the lil chicklets r so cute, can't wait to spoil them rotten, its my job, its my duty, its my pleasure, they are my treasure !!!!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.