Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Two Months

Wow, it has gone by so fast. I can't really believe it, because this year it seems like EVERYONE around me is either pregnant or having babies, so the fact that I am in the mix of all of it is sort of weird. What is more weird to me is the fact that everyone who is or was pregnant was having their first and I was having my THIRD! Yikes!
Scarlett is so beautiful, and calm and collected. Today at her 2 month check up she was so happy at the entire appointment. I didn't know how she would do since Bridget is wonder woman when it comes to shots, but Scarlett thought she would out do her big sister and didn't cry at all. The nurse that gave her the shots kind of looked at me puzzled, and I said just wait till you do the other one (Bridget) and so both of my girls came out of the doctors office with big smiles, no one would have guessed that either of them had just received 3 shots in their thighs! I guess I could say that I am proud, I mean what else could I be? Their pain tolerance is just like mine...they have high amounts I guess. I have yet to receive an epidural while giving birth and my C-section didn't hurt at all! :)
The stats for my darling Scarlett...
2 months
25 1/4 inches long--89th percentile
10 lbs 12 oz--55th percentile
still on 4oz every 4 hours with an 7-8 hour stretch at night
Nathan had a feeling that she was growing longer and not wider. She is so petite that she will get to wear ALL of the clothes that Bridget never got to wear. The problem is that some of the 0-3 month onesies are looking a little french cut because her torso is so long. Oh well, I guess she will take after Lucas on body type too! :)
She love to coo when Lucas or Bridget are in the room, and smiles really only for Nathan. Probably because he is a baby hog and holds her too much! Hahaha. She loves to make this kissy face. (above) It is so funny, I mean the first 6 pictures are always of this kissy face. Maybe while she was in the womb she could hear crazy Tyra talking about pouty faces on ANTM and now that we are on cycle 12 she is just practicing till they are on cycle 38, when she will be able to compete on ANTM! Hahaha.

Just wanted to posts what's new. Bridget's will be posted on Friday, so stay tuned! :)


Jami said...

Wow, my baby's bigger than yours already... Hamblin jeans, I tell ya! lol Quin takes in 5 oz. every 4 hours and he's just now skipping a feeding the last two nights. Will it keep up? Who knows. :) She is such a cutie-head! Quin and my other two always made that kissy face, too. I just always thought it was their gassy face. :) You do good work my friend!

Laura said...

I was gonna say...those arms and legs look so skinny! My girls were always 50th percentile, but never about 48th in height, so NO WONDER! She is adorable, and I can't believe she is already 2 months old. Sounds like I'm due for another trip soon. I can't miss out on her smallness like I did with your other two:)

The Cleverley's said...

I totally can't believe your kids don't cry for their shots. That was my favorite part. Both my girls would turn beat red before they let out an ear piercing howl. I'd laugh and say that they looked like little oompa loompas. (from the original Willy Wonka) Yeah I know....I'm a little twisted.

Auntie Stef said...

She is such a pretty little girl.

McMeegan and Thayngler said...

She is so cute! I love the comment about ANTM. I confess I watch that show quite often but hadn't thought yet about putting my (future) kids on it...

Rachel said...

She is beautiful! Sorry babysitting didn't work out yesterday.

Veronica said...

French cut! Hee hee


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.