Saturday, June 6, 2009

3 Months Already?!?!?!

After a CRAZY night and about 244 pictures to edit from last nights Luau, I thought I would take a break and recognize that wee Scarlett is finally over my least favorite part of babyhood 0-3 months! It is so funny how once they hit this great lil' birthday they seem to be totally different babies.

Scarlett is doing great! She still sleeps through the night. She loves the swing and play gym. She is starting to fatten up in the face. She loves to sit in the bumbo and watch Lucas and Bridget fight , err I mean play. She has so many faces...

I love her double chin, both of her dimples, her lips and her eyes. I love her skin and her cheeks and that as soon as Nathan starts talking she starts to look for him. It is so CUTE!

She is such a sweet little bundle and we think she is pretty awesome.

She is 11 pounds 2 oz.

She eats 5oz every 4 hours, with a little cereal mixed in.

She is in 6-9 month onesies because of her length, but can still fit into 3-6 month stuff.

She still has that squeaky cry that is so faint it is sometimes hard to hear.

She looks like Lucas with Bridget's cheeks and chin.

She makes a fist with her thumb tucked inside.

She can roll from back to front and likes just chillin' on her tummy.

Oh Scarlett we can't wait to see what this month will bring! :)


momowinnie said...

She is such a pretty little thing isn't she? I can't believe she has such long lashes all ready. Why aren't you in any of them?

Jami said...

I can't wait for that age!!! I've been counting down the days since week TWO! Question: Do you have any advice on how to get Quin to sleep better during the day? He'll sleep 10-12 hours straight at night (thank the Maker!) but still catnaps during the day and it infuriates me! Also, Quin eats 4 times a day, 5-6 oz. each time... but the last few days he's been wanting 2 oz. between feedings... should I add rice to make the feedings last the whole 4 hours? Or just try to get him to drink more? (That usually ends in spewing, though) I'm reaching a peak in my frustrations again, can you tell? lol


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.