Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Color Discovery

Today for Art day we learned about Primary and Secondary Colors. We watched the Blue's Clues Episode because I think the song is catchy. We then did Barrel Painting. We were supposed to do this with Chrystal, but I was sick of the barrels being in my kitchen so we did it today.
This is what we used...
2 barrels (one cheese ball, one animal cracker)
2 Hot Wheels Cars
2 Bobby Pins
2 Arthurs (the Arthur figurines seem to be in every experiment)
2 Pennies
2 Q-tips
2 Legos
Washable Paint (I got this at Sam's and it had 15 packs of 6 paints for 11 dollars!)
Sketch Paper (not thick like cardstock, but not thin like computer paper)

We taped the paper inside and talked about the colors we were going to make. Lucas of course wanted to make green. Bridget is really into "Or-nch." The kids had fun shaking, rolling and kicking the barrels. This is what round one looked like.

We then had to do it again of course, so we did purple and orange and yellow. It was so neat to see the different objects in the paint. We could spot - Arthur in the green ones, the penny in the red one, the car in the purple one, and in the orange one the Q-Tip. It was so cool. We peeked periodically to see the changes that were happening. The kids seemed so into it! :)

Then we let them dry and the kids had a rock party in the backyard. They love to dig!

After they were dry I cut them into strips and we made father's day cards and and framed the ones for our Art Wall. They turned out GREAT!
Once again, Lil' Scarlett just sat in her swing happy to watch the excitement. Poor thing...in about a month I will get her more involved. :)

I think we will be doing this again soon. If anyone wants to borrow the barrels let me know! :)


Mia A said...

beautiful val! Post a pic of that art wall!

Brittney and Michael said...

I so want to borrow those barrels. Great project Valerie!!

Auntie Stef said...

Wow that look cool. Again Val where is mine. I should have asked Lucas for one yesterday when I talked to him (which was awesome!)

I will talk to you later and tell Lucas and Bridge that I am going to call them.

Amber D. said...

That is so cool! I'm totally stealing your idea! I was able to add you to my blog today and Brandon's really excited that we are now friends! Well, I'll talk to you later!

P.S. I love the arthur figurines, too cute!

Danielle Smith said...

Love the art project! Ummmm, where the heck are you?! It's been days and in a few days I am coming to see you! Where are you?!

Aaron and Amy said...

Seriously you are my ideal. You are sooo creative. I would love to come over one day and see your art wall. Where do you get these great activities???

The Cleverley's said...

Ok that project looks way fun. I will totally borrow the barrels from you!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.