Saturday, August 29, 2009

Go Lions!

Lucas started soccer today. His friend Robert is on the team and when we decided to pick a name one of the kids said they wanted to be Tigers and Robert quickly told everyone that he wanted to be the Lions. Lucas quickly backed him up and so our team of 8 is now the Lions. Which is great because Team #6 is a dumb name.

We had a fun time at practice. The kids liked to run and dribble and this was more for me to see what we needed to work on for next week. Bridget and Scarlett just tried to keep warm.

We played Team #7 and they had mostly girls which was fine but the coaches daughter which was the star of their team had played 3 other seasons so she played their entire game. Which was a little unfair to our team of beginners. (but whatever)

Our team did well except player #8 Lucas Witte who went to bed at 10 last night thanks to our babysitter who I think didn't realize that he was playing in his room. During the game Lucas cried because he wanted a turn and I was very upset because I have NEVER seen him cry like this before. I mean NEVER. I am also glad that he had this experience today because when we got home and sat him down to have a talk about his unacceptable behavior he completely understood and told us he would try harder next week.

Player #7 Robert W. (Lucas's BFF) scored 2 goals and would have scored more if he realized which way our team was going! :) Lucas congratulated him and Bridget showed her appreciation...

We had three shy players and I did a pretty good job at getting 2 of them out of their shell and actually play the game, one of them is my goal for the next game. It was fun coaching today and I look forward to the next few games...

We lost this game 6-7 but I am confident that next game will be better, I know what our problem was this time and I have a plan of attack for the next practice! :)

These are the only good pictures that Nathan took because I was out on the field coaching and he can't take good pictures! Hahaha.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

So cute! I love their little game shirts that are almost to their knees! Ha ha!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.