Friday, August 7, 2009

My Diary at 5 Months

By: Scarlett Marie Witte.
a day late.
I love to sleep. I mean when ever I feel fleece on my cheeks I cannot, I mean cannot keep my beautiful brown eyes open. I have also discovered that if I play on my mat and lay my head just so...I can be out in seconds. Drool unfortunately occurs when I sleep this way, but who cares right? There is one downside to me laying like this and it is of course my BIG scratch that LARGER sister Bridget. She thinks that when I am laying on my belly it means I am available for piggy back rides. This is not the case and the best way to alert my mother is to squeal like a puppy when it's tail gets stepped on. That's right. I don't really cry just squeal/bark to get her attention, it usually works.

I love to talk. I am really good at it. People at church just laugh at me because I talk and talk and talk during the 3 hour block. I also know how to flash my dimples. I love to be held but don't mind being put down either. My hair is coming in fuzzy red, not orange like Lucas. Everyone tells me that I look like my mom, or my dad or like Lucas, one person even said I looked like Bridget. I think I look like me.
I have discovered my tongue and what it can do for me. Since I had an early taste of cookies from my sister I like to sit in the bumbo and see what new foods she will feed me. I like rice cereal, and eat it 2x a day now. I can't wait to try what my mom makes everyone else, one day, one day. I have 5 friends that were born the same month as me but I haven't actually been around any of those kids yet. I need my mom to let me come and play with Jane since she lives the closest and she has lots of hair, something I like to pull!
So far these first 5 months have treated me well. I can't wait to see what my mom has in store for the next 5. I need to hit the hay...I take 3 naps you know! Let's do this again next month! See ya then!
Garlic-t, Scarley, Scarebear, Scar and the new one ZERBER girl!


Auntie Stef said...

Too cute. My neice is growing so fast. I cant wait to see her and hold her. Awww.

Side Note:


I was not bad mouthing your kids. I thought they were closer in age thats all. And like I said it must have been the picture. No need to be defensive, we have had good times together on those occasions when we have been around each other. I love looking at my L, B, and S with their cousins...its cool.

Veronica said...

Awww...what a cutie!

Stef-no worries, just a bad day. I overreacted.

Jen said...

What a doll...I love that last picture :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.