Friday, October 30, 2009

Down on the Farm

Last year we celebrated Noah's birthday at White Fence Farms and the kids loved it...check it out HERE.  So Veronica, the smart mom she is thought..."why mess with a good thing?" So we celebrated his birthday this year at the same place and you know what...the kids LOVED it again! :)

It was not as snowy or as cold as we thought it would be which made it even more perfect.

This is what we bought Noah, I think he liked it!

Then they surprised us with a song and a sparkler!

We took our wooden nickels to the treasure chest and picked out a prize.  Noah got a mini flashlight and Lucas got a super spinner.  The entire way home I heard about how Lucas really needed a flashlight. :)

Then we checked out the mini farm and went outside for some petting fun.

Bridget laughed like the cowardly lion when she saw the animals.  It was pretty cute.

Isn't the sunset beautiful?

Hello Thomas Jefferson!

I love this one...don't worry folks these are faux chickens!

Scarlett was enjoying the powdered sugar encrusted corn fritters.

Then we went to the play place...everyone loved the ponies.

Elijah especially.

I know the kids loved it, Nathan did too!
Happy 4th Noah!  I hope you had a great night, and thanks for inviting us to celebrate it with you!
Love, Auntie Val and the gang!


Veronica said...

Just wanted to tell you I love your new background and thank for hanging out with us.

The other Mrs. Witte

Liz and Cory said...

Love it, wish we lived closer. You should use the pic of Scarlett in her stroller on your new headline thingy... her smile is perfect.

Chaney said...

We went there for my parent´s anniversary, and the kids LOVED it! Great choice!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.