Monday, November 9, 2009

I am two now!

Here is the birthday song from last year...she was so fat! :)

And here is this year:

This baby is now two! I can't believe how fast it went! I posted her birth story last year HERE. So this year we are going to talk all about Bridget.
8 months

*All about Bridget*

Age* 1 year 26.3 pounds, 33.2 inches
Age* 2 years 38.2 pounds 35 inches

Foods she liked at 1* Everything, especially sandwich meat. This girl is a human garbage can, no joke, there is nothing she won't try! If you put veggies and fruit on her plate, she will eat the veggies first, just like her brother.
Foods she likes at 2* She loves pasta, cheese, yogurt, any chicken EXCEPT nuggets (she doesn't like the breadding), she loves salmon and spinach and her favorite fruit is pineapple.
Least favorite foods* Olives (still), Bell Peppers

Bridget's 1st Birthday
Favorite dessert* "laloween candy"

Favorite toys* She loves her bebes, she has named them all. Brittany is the pink one with the bonnet, Carrie is the one with braids, Lindsey is the yellow one that moves, Rissa is her brunette cabagge patch, Bree is the red head. She loves little people and now likes to steal anything that Scarlett is playing with.

20 months
What she's good at* Talking. She loves to talk and not the jibber jabber stuff she tries really hard to speak clear enough so anyone can understand her. She also is very good at not letting her height get in the way. She knows how to move chairs and stools to get what she wants, like butter on the counter for instance. :)

Favorite activities* Dancing and singing. She is almost always singing to us in the van. She loves to paint and do projects a lot too.

Things she's afraid of* Being lost, and alone.
23 months
Something Mommy loves about Bridget* She has such a love for adventure. I almost always will find her at a park doing some near death stunt, and when I get scared she says "I'm okay" I love that she loves babies, I mean she will love on and kiss her pretend ones and any kid she sees in the ward it is so cute.
Something Daddy loves about Bridget* She gives the best hugs and kisses, and her little high pitched voice when she gets mad is so funny, its hard not to laugh.  When Bridget is in a full on crying fit I usually can get her out of it pretty fast by smiling at her.  She is a great sister too.
Something Lucas loves about Bridget* Her smile, and she always throws her baby in her room when I ask her to play firetrucks with me. And if I ask mommy for something, and she says no...Bridget will know how to climb where ever to get it for me.
Something Scarlett loves about Bridget* She loves to play with me.

So Happy Birthday Bridge, Bridgey-Lou, Bridge the Fridge, and Bigit.

 You will always be our princess and our STAR!


Danielle Smith said...

Bridget is still as cute as ever! I love how Scarlett is so poised in that picture. She will be a model I bet!!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Happy Birthday, Bridget! Such a big girl already, what will she be doing when all the other girls get to how mature she is already? They'll finally be into princess stuff and projects, and she'll probably be a rocket scientist :)

Veronica said...

Cute! Love the static hair picture and I know you just gave birth and everything, but the picture in the hospital is a good one of you!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.