Thursday, January 31, 2008

I looked out the window and what did I see...

I am pretty sure this primary song is sung in the spring, but it just seemed to fit for what Lucas and I woke up to this morning. We looked out and saw snow! After 3 beautiful days of sunshine, we were hit with snow! I opened the front door and Lucas said "uh-oh" and ran into the family/play room and looked out onto the deck and saw that his walker was outside. I had put it in time out yesterday, because he was ramming it into Bridget's Boppy while she was in it! So I told the walker to be nice and put it in time out. Maybe Lucas will think that time-out means staying outside in the snow...overnight! Yikes! Maybe he will be nice so that isn't his punishment! Hahahaha
I had to take it B/W because it looks so depressed out there on the deck...the lone walker in time-out.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

6 things I said I would never do....

...once I became a Parent. And here they all are in one picture!!!!!

1) Eat in bed
2) Wear a Hat in the House...(thanks a lot grandpa! he won't go anywhere without this thing)
3) Watch television before age 2...(it's PBS)
4) Still be in Jammies at 10am
5) Talk with your mouth full
6) Point at people

Here are my excuses, I guess, or why I gave in to these "silly" rules.

1) He is in my bed so I can shower, I can take my shower.
2) The hat, well there really is no excuse for this, it is cute, and its the hat or calling "pa-pa"
every 5 minutes, so we opted for the hat today.
3) PBS. He will only watch 3 shows and 2 of them are on PBS during the time I take my shower
and they are Clifford narrated by the late John Ritter and Peep and the Big Wide World narrated by Joan Cusack

4) Jammies, After I shower I usually get him and Bridget dressed.
5) Talk with your mouth full...he is telling me that Dog is on TV...and thank heavens its only
raisins, because if it was a nutri-grain bar that would be just gross!
6) Pointing, there really is no excuse, I think he was showing me something...who knows....
I guess you live and learn right? Those rules seem so ridiculous to me now that I am actually a parent!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another nice day with nothing to do... we went for a walk! It was so nice, and Lucas really got into picking leaves and crunching them! He liked to push Bridget throught the neighborhood too! It was fun to get out of the house! As you can see Bridget liked it!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Nekked Time

Lucas 18 1/2 months, and Bridget 2 3/4 months look like they couldn't possibly be related. Look at how dark she is compared to him. They love laying around nekked! Here is a shot from last night. They liked to roll on the blankie! That's right Bridget can roll over! Yeah!!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Look at my Rollie Pollie! She sure is filling out!

That yellow dress...

What could be better than running outside in our church clothes after church? Oh yeah, adding a can of Pringles to that picture perfect day. When I say picture perfect, I am not just talking about the 65 degree day we had in January, I am of course talking about Bridget's dress. I LOVE this dress. I found it before she was born and it was one of those dresses, that was all by itself, it looked so lonely! So I bought it. It was the first thing I bought for her after I found out that I was pregnant with a girl. The only thought I had about it was...I hope she isn't as pale as Lucas because yellow might not look so good an a red-head! Thank goodness she got my coloring because yellow looks just terrific on her! :)

I am obsessed with her hands. She plays with them all of the time. Click on the hands picture, and you can see how beautiful her hands are. She is something else! No day would be complete with out Lucas running, and falling and hurting himself in some way. Here are some pictures of his fun day, barefoot outside in January!!!! Remember this never happens in Colorado!

And me, picking up Lucas, giving him a kiss, and heading back was time to make dinner! By the way if you are wondering why we match...its because we always match on's a thing I like to do. Nathan and I used to match before the kids, and now I always buy church clothes that coordinate. Yeah I know I am weird.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

FINALLY a 50 degree day

Well, the sun decided to not only come out in Colorado today, but it decided to warm every thing up. Hip Hip Horray! We are going to attempt to take Lucas to the park, since last weekend we tried and it went from 40-20 degrees while we were in the car! So here goes nothing!

Bridget is so funny, smiling and really enjoying her diaper changes...see video! We love her so much, especially Lucas who shows his affection, by head butting and nose rubbing her belly, face and head!

Nathan is eagerly awaiting his review at work. I have become a small master of new foods and recipes in the kitchen...I have made Shrimp Christopher, Chicken Caccitore and other yummy delights, including Lucas's favorite...Lemon White Chocolate Chip Cookies...DELISH

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I almost forgot!

New Years Resolutions...I think they are lame.
So I do New Year New 'Do.
I got a hair cut! I know, I know so exciting! I just needed something different! It is a cheesy pic but oh well! I swore I would never get bangs again! Especially since it took me a year to grow them out in 11th grade! But alas, here I am 9 years later with bangs. At least they aren't the bangs your mom makes you get in the 3rd grade right? And at least it isn't that typical "mommy hair cut" that all new mom's get after they have a baby. I don't think Nathan likes it but for a guy who can't even grow bangs, I think he shouldn't even get a say in the matter! Hahaha


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.