Friday, February 1, 2008

We Love Books!

I have been collecting children's books since I was in High School. Sad I know, but I am borderline obsessed with books. Thankfully, I married a man who understands my need to stop at the kids section where ever we go, whether it's Target, or Barnes and Noble, it doesn't matter I have to see what's new, and exciting. I don't like just any one type, but they have to meet a certain criteria, for example, they have to have great illustrations, they have to have a good out loud read sound for example, if I were to read it to a class, it would have to flow correctly, and if at all possible it must rhyme. I used to not like board books, just because the stories were lame, or it was just too plain, but while I was teaching I fell in love with Sandra Boynton, and thankfully Lucas has too. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her. He likes that I read it like it should be read with tons of expression, and lots of laughter! These are our daily reads...

I really enjoy reading books to Lucas and Bridget doesn't like me to read to her yet but she does like Lucas to read to her....

In this picture, Lucas is reading Bridget a book about Easter, but you get the point! Hehehe. Another set of books that I really enjoy reading to Lucas are the Click Clack series. They are hillarious and I usually let Lucas say the sounds like "Click, Click, Moo" when it's time to read them.

If you ever need a good book reccomendation, ask me! I own over 300 children's books and that number IS going to go up! I read about 10-12 books to Lucas and Bridget...if she is awake everyday.


AuntieV said...

I love the background, etc! This is looking quite fantastic!

brieanne. said...

someone in my oral interp. class just did CLICK CLACK MOO & I couldn't stop laughing .. SOOO cute. Checking it out at the lib. tomorrow (well today given the time!).


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.