Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We went swimming

The girls came over and had lunch at my house, then we went swimming for the entire afternoon! Lucas was so excited that they were coming that he passed out at 10:30!!!

It's a good thing we went swimming because it was 80 today! I would have hated going to the zoo or something outside, because it was H-O-T!

Lucas of course dove right in and had a great time splashing and swimming, and drowning...haha just joking. He did drink a ton but he had fun nonetheless.

Kylie and Emily liked pushing Bridget around, and Bridget liked the attention. Maddie was too busy playing with Laura (her mom)

Lucas playing and making all the girls laugh...Trista and Nathan, Laura and Maddie.

Emily had fun squealing with Lucas and just catching up on their lives. You know they have so much to talk about! Bridget...just chillin...

All in all it was fun and I can't wait to have them all over again tomorrow. I am so spoiled to get to hang out with them for most of their two week visit!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Where I have been

Well Saturday Nathan had to work so Lucas and I went around town when it started to snow, so we hurried home and got warm and headed out again. We were supposed to hang with Veronica and Noah but we had so many errands and I was bummed about our hair stuff falling through, that I decided to just stay near me. WE were cleaning and painting and getting the house ready for all of our friends coming this month. Laura, Trista, Liz and Cory, Danielle and Mark, Jared and Erin. AAH!!!

Sunday was Nathan's Birthady. He got new clothes, a FABULOUS dinner consisting of Portabello Mushrooms over Pork Roast with Cous Cous and Veggies. Topped off with Whipped Cheesecake and a movie! Just what Nathan wanted. P.S. I made the dinner, sounds fancy right?!?

Monday today VT most of the day, and moving the computer. There are lots of pictures to post so I will post later! Have a great night! Also its my dad's birthday and my Mother in Law's tomorrow. April is very busy for us!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yeah for Friends

I am so glad Trista and Laura (sisters) ditched their husbands during finals week and came to see me...and their parents I guess. We were going to have fun at my house but at the last minute their dad wanted to go to the zoo so we all went! It was a beautiful 75 degree day and no one was sunburned! :)
When I say no one I mean Lucas! Hahaha
I had to get him a hat because we forgot his Pinehurst hat at home, but the "phant" hat was cool too says Lucas! Here are a few pics of all of the kiddos...
Kylie(3.5) and Lucas(1.9) were together most of the time, Kylie was so sweet making sure he was okay!
Maddie (K's sister and 1.3), Emily (1.9---2 days younger than Lucas) they are cousins
Nathan (6.5 months and E's brother)
Lucas very into watching the "phants" this is his favorite animal right now...
Not really caring about the bears that were swimming right in front of him. He was waiting for his turn to talk to Papa who just happened to call while we were at the zoo! CRAZY!Bridget (5.5 months) loving the zoo!
Hahahaha she passed out after stealing some of Lucas's cheese!

I am so glad the girls are here so our babes can hang and we can chat! So exciting!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Shoes and the Conspiracy of hair!

Today I went to Payless because Lucas tells me his shoes have owies in them. I find out that the 6.5 shoes he had been wearing were actually supposed to be 7.5's. I just got him shoes 3 months ago! While I was there people kept telling me how much my kids looked like me, how well behaved they were and of course how beautiful Bridget was. I blushed, said thanks and then went on our merry way. Then I looked in the mirror and realized, hey they do look like me! :)
This is probably one of the dumbest paragraphs to date, but I don't care. What is wrong with my hair? I never can decide if I should grow it out or cut it short...but one thing always seems to happen. Once I decide to cut it short I have amazing hair days! I have scheduled with Veronica to chop my hair off and of course for the past 4 days I have had really awesome hair. I even got to compliments today at Payless! It makes me so angry! It was looking so good short, when I chopped off 8 inches after Lucas. I grew it out and now I want it short for the summer. Lucas took a picture of me be the judge...should it stay or should it go...(the long hair) the short hair right after Lucas...I know I know its not that short...Lucas taking a pic of me cleaning up...long (ps I didn't plan on wearing blue in every picture...LOL)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Blast from the Past

Four years ago next week was when Ryan, Veronica and I went to the Planetarium. This was right after I met Nathan for the first time and was such a jerk to him. What is wrong with our faces you say? Well it was the WORST showing of the planets we had ever seen. I was still in school at the time, and we went after I was out of my last class, and after Ryan got off of work.
Ryan was very mad, Veronica was pulling her hair out and me, I don't know what my problem was...looks like a migrane coming on!
I was wrong, looks like I had a toothache! Veronica still can't believe that we drove to Boulder for a slide show of this chicks vacation, consisting of BIG Cheeze-its and Jumbo Mickey Cards and maybe just maybe a peek of the planets that we were supposed to be looking at. Ryan, well he is still mad.
Ryan mentioned Chipotle and it sparked smiles out of all of us, and then we left that horrible place, and had a chicken burrito or two, maybe three....
What makes me laugh so much is how FREAKING young we look in these pictures. I mean it was before Ryan and Veronica got married, before I was actually saying more than 4 words to Nathan, and WAY before we had two babies a piece. Enjoy all! These are so weird to look at.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fun Friday!

I usually don't do any cleaning on Friday. For most of you who know me, you know that I am so anal about keeping my house clean and tidy. For my parents...STOP LAUGHING, because it's true. I am known for having the cleanest and most organized house! On Friday's I do not clean or organize at all. I spend the entire day with my kids. We do something fun, go to someone's house or just chill and watch Papa and Noah videos. Lucas especially likes to watch Baby Lucas videos, except he calls the baby in the video sad baby, because Lucas used to be such a Serious Sam as a baby.
Anyway, we went to the park with Ali and then ate lunchables in the "woods" and took naps and went home and had tickle fights and ate dinner on paper plates, because I don't even do dishes on Friday!

Here are the pics from the park...

Lucas shared his hat with Bridget. This picture doens't show her true joy of the swing.
Ummm, When did my baby turn into a little boy? I mean a HUGE boy?
Bridget really enjoying the hat! Hahaha
I learned a few things about my son today. I can no longer go to the park alone. He climbs and gets on to everything dangerous! I turned around and he was climbing a tree! I suppose he got that adventure side from Nathan, but still I had to be on him like a hawk. Bridget I would push in the swing and then go chase Lucas. I also learned that he is very caring. A little girl fell down and he helped her get up and said "you k?" It was so sunny and worth all of the chasing and pushing I had to do! :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Taggie McTag-Tag

A- Attached or single: Attached, very attatched
B- Best Friend: I have 3
C- Cake or Pie: Pie! I HATE cake
D- Day of Choice: I like Thursdays
E- Essential Item (s): My Camera, I don’t leave home without it!
F- Favorite Color: Used to be Red, now I am more Teal
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: I like sour worms
H- Hometown: I don’t really have one, but I’d say wherever my Dad is, so Tarzana…
I- Indulgence(s): Cookies and Talking on the Phone
J- January or July: July, because January is boring
K- Kids: 2 of 5 are currently in my house…If you ask Nathan 2 of 7 :)
L - Love what: My Husband, My kids, My house and My friends
M- Marriage Date: February 5, 05
N- Number: I like 11
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Fire
Q- Quote(s): “Mommy I want Wo-wah, and Pa-Pa and Digit in bed fo ni-nite” – Lucas
R- Reason To Smile: Bridget beating on Lucas and Nathan coming home early!
S- Season: Spring
T- Tag Six: Danielle, Veronica, Desi, Cherstin, and who ever else reads this blog!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I like to read out loud in the kids section of B&N. For all the kids to hear me. LOL They gather like sheep when I read!
V- Vegetarian or Meat Eater: I was raised on steak. Yum, I love me some steak.
W- Worst Habit: Biting nails, & not washing the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I have had both, I prefer U/S because I get to see babies!
Y- Your Favorite Food: Sushi, I haven’t had good sushi in 2 years! (Hint, Hint Dad)
Z- Zodiac: Aries

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey! What did you get into?

Being a parent can sometimes be hard. But for the most part, it's not that bad. For my stickler husband and I it is mostly easy. Our kids are pretty obedient and love to learn. All I have to do is explain to Lucas why he can do something, and that is usually end of story...
...except when chocolate is involved! We made cookies because Nathan just got a promotion and I just got an awesome cookie book. So we made some to celebrate. Lucas was very good, mixing and not eating, until I start rolling them and putting them into the oven. Then I turned around and this is what I saw...
...Lucas licking every inch of is body because he got a hold of the mini chips and the spoon we used to stir everything with....
...he saw a spot he missed! Hahahaha
This was the final result, Chunky Chocolate Cookies with Pecans. YUMMY! I am just glad that I didn't have to bathe him after this mess! Gross...


Today it was 78 degrees, with a 80% chance of snow on Wednesday. Typical for Colorado so what do we do on sunny days? We go outside! We walked to the park and played for a while. Bridget likes the swing just as much as Lucas did. Then we walked home and watched the kids walk home from school. Lucas pointed out all of our flowers that have started to bloom in the front yard.

Watching the kids come, and go...enjoying all of the waves and hellos from our neighbor kids...

I love this picture, you can see they have the same face! Not to mention Bridget's drooly web on her chin! :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, a Day for Learning

Today I learned that the narrator on Lucas's favorite show of the week:
is not George Carlin..................but is actually Alec Baldwin.

(big sigh) It just makes it easier for me to watch now! Alec Baldwin is so handsome, and hillarious on 30Rock! I remember George Carlin from another show that my sister and I used to make fun of all of the time. It was called Shining Time Station. I bet my sister is singing the theme song right now as she is reading this! HAHAHAHAHA
Oddly enough, Ringo Starr was also on this show...he isn't cute so I will not post a picture.
P.S. George Carlin isn't cute either but I'm not going to get into that!

I also learned that my son turns pumpkin (a Hannah word) if he doesn't get a nap...
He would have taken one earlier, but we were waiting for RV to come to the Wittes but they never came, and our kids were getting we had to leave. We went to the Wittes to see Nathan's Uncle and Aunt who were in town. We had a great time, a yummy lil' BBQ and then came home for a much needed R&R for the whole family.

Let's just say if you were looking for some didn't come this week.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm another year older, but I'm taking it well

I woke up to a slap on the face which was from my son who said "Hi Mommy Yea!" He wanted to read the book I got for my birthday...problem is...this was the book...
It is a cookbook by Pamela Clark. I wanted the cupcake one that Emily was raving about, but at the last minute I freaked out and realized, I hate cake. We didn't have cake at our wedding because I hate cake. A cupcake wouldn't be any different, so the cookie book was a better choice! I opened the book and was "reading it to Lucas and he would say "yummy" "this cookie" "that cookie" "mmmm I want cookie" (picture cookie monster saying it, that was Lucas)

I made Heart Shaped Fried Eggs for everyone...
I received several calls from my family and friends, and was serenaded by Danielle via facebook, one of my favorite songs, from one of my favorite kids shows...Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids
Danielle types: Happy Birthday, my love! I shall serenade you! Spiders are spinning their web in the trees! Buggies are bouncing and hugging the breeze! Flying through the sky, flying high! The sunny patch, the funny patch! To the hollow trees families with rings and strings and silly things! Coming home for hugs, be good to bugs!!!! (it is their theme song) (she sang it in an oper-et-ic voice) Which I secretly love.
The answer to Veronica's card question: I believe it's Buck Naked? But if you are Naked and your butt is showing it would be Butt Naked? I will research this question and get back to you!Then we went to Red Robin for Dinner, for two reasons...Ben was leaving Chili's as we pulled up and Red Robin just opened up by our house! We discovered a few things at dinner. Lucas is very good when we go out to eat, and is a great eater when lemonade is involved! Bridget likes Lemonade just as much as Lucas does, and she does not like Ranch Dressing! I gave her some and she nearly fell out of the high chair! High chair yes! She sat in one the whole time.

Then we had Heath Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen because I HATE cake!

I had a fun shopping day at Sam's, American Eagle and the grocery store. It was a fun day! We came home and finished watching Lost, because we are a little late jumping on the Lost Bandwagon and are now watching Season 1. Aaah!

So I'd have to say this was a pretty good birthday! (and for once in the 3 years of my marriage I wasn't pregnant on my birthday!!!)

Posts to come: Losing the bet, My Magic Gloves, A Pretty Good Thing

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fun day at our house!

So Veronica and the kids came over for lunch and fun stuff. I thought shaving cream would be a good idea since the age group for shaving cream usually is 2-6. Well Veronica and I stressed a little too much about the shaving cream being yucky and not to eat it and the boys wouldn't touch it. They both FREAKED out. Then I gave up and pulled out the squeegie to clean it up and that is what the boys preferred. Cleaning it up! Hahaha Here are our traumatized boys before the squeegies...

and after...

We then let the babies play you can see, Bridget is like what did I do? Or...sorry about my formula breath...

I like having them over, and I hope they do too. I don't know what Woo-kas would ddo without Wa-wah.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

5 months today!

Can I just tell everyone how much I love Bridget. What a joy she is to have around. The girl rarely cries, sleeps like a rock and loves Lucas and Nathan. She doesn't really respond to Bridget she responds to "pretty" or "beautiful" partly because everywhere we go that is what people say to her! She smiles and we go on our way. She totally knows how to work it!

Some of Bridget's favorite activities are:
Eating anything but cereal. She really likes to sneak in mashed potatoes if Lucas will share them!
She loves when Lucas wakes up and runs in her room to say "Hi Digit!" or "et up Digit"
She loves nekked time with Lucas in the crib, he jumps around and she gets to bounce!
We love having that sweet face with the HUGE smile around and can't wait for her to shove Lucas and tell him to get off of her! Ahh, soon enough, soon enough! Hahaha


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.