Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference Weekend

Normally we hang in our jammies till the morning session is over, get dressed and play outside, nap and then watch second session while Lucas takes a nap. Nathan makes pancakes and we eat leftovers for lunch and then have a fancy dinner with a special dessert.

This Conference is no different, except we deep cleaned the kitchen while we watched. YAHOO! We cleaned out the fridge, drawers, microwave, you name it, the kitchen is deeeeeep cleaned. We also painted some more and rearranged a bit and it all looks fantastic! I can't show pictures till the rest of the house is done, but trust me it looks GRRRREAT! I am so glad Nathan is such a freak like me when it comes to cleaning! I can't stand it when the house is a mess, it makes me feel like my life isn't in order and the OCD in me just goes CRAZY!

Here are some pics of our conference "breaks"

Lucas loves this new velcro toss game! I think we will be bringing it to California!

I know a picture of me! I am growing my bangs out and don't usually like Nathan's photo style, so I am the one who is normally behind the camera! :) I don't know if I like this last picture of Bridget, she has cleavage and well, it looks weird. Hahaha

1 comment:

Emily S. said...

CLEAVAGE... you're makin' me laugh!

I love the new header!

Good for you for cleaning during conference. I just make more of a mess.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.