Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Shoes and the Conspiracy of hair!

Today I went to Payless because Lucas tells me his shoes have owies in them. I find out that the 6.5 shoes he had been wearing were actually supposed to be 7.5's. I just got him shoes 3 months ago! While I was there people kept telling me how much my kids looked like me, how well behaved they were and of course how beautiful Bridget was. I blushed, said thanks and then went on our merry way. Then I looked in the mirror and realized, hey they do look like me! :)
This is probably one of the dumbest paragraphs to date, but I don't care. What is wrong with my hair? I never can decide if I should grow it out or cut it short...but one thing always seems to happen. Once I decide to cut it short I have amazing hair days! I have scheduled with Veronica to chop my hair off and of course for the past 4 days I have had really awesome hair. I even got to compliments today at Payless! It makes me so angry! It was looking so good short, when I chopped off 8 inches after Lucas. I grew it out and now I want it short for the summer. Lucas took a picture of me today...you be the judge...should it stay or should it go...(the long hair) the short hair right after Lucas...I know I know its not that short...Lucas taking a pic of me cleaning up...long (ps I didn't plan on wearing blue in every picture...LOL)


Jen said...

For me - that is a hard one too...short hair always looks good - but then I love long hair...and yours is so thick and pretty!!! Sorry - maybe that wasn't much help!?! I struggle with the same thing...

Danielle Smith said...

Cut it woman!! I have had it short many times in my life. It's nice to have the change and the low maintenance of shorter hair. Plus, children are not as likely to pull it!!!

Melanie said...

I so feel your pain on this choice. . . I would say cut it, but not too short. Leave yourself the option of ponytail days. :)

Veronica and Ryan said...

Come on woman! Be bold! Just cut it for goodness sake!

Emily S. said...

I kinda like that shorter 'do-- Looks polished!

CUTE pics all around, btw!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.