Saturday, April 19, 2008

Blast from the Past

Four years ago next week was when Ryan, Veronica and I went to the Planetarium. This was right after I met Nathan for the first time and was such a jerk to him. What is wrong with our faces you say? Well it was the WORST showing of the planets we had ever seen. I was still in school at the time, and we went after I was out of my last class, and after Ryan got off of work.
Ryan was very mad, Veronica was pulling her hair out and me, I don't know what my problem was...looks like a migrane coming on!
I was wrong, looks like I had a toothache! Veronica still can't believe that we drove to Boulder for a slide show of this chicks vacation, consisting of BIG Cheeze-its and Jumbo Mickey Cards and maybe just maybe a peek of the planets that we were supposed to be looking at. Ryan, well he is still mad.
Ryan mentioned Chipotle and it sparked smiles out of all of us, and then we left that horrible place, and had a chicken burrito or two, maybe three....
What makes me laugh so much is how FREAKING young we look in these pictures. I mean it was before Ryan and Veronica got married, before I was actually saying more than 4 words to Nathan, and WAY before we had two babies a piece. Enjoy all! These are so weird to look at.

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About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.