Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today Ali graduated from Kindergarten. It was so weird for me especially. I met her when she turned one. When I worked for the State I met her and fell in love with this chubby little thing with the huge binki in her mouth. I would come and visit her at the daycare and she would crawl up to me and hug me. She never spoke, just snuggled. I stayed at that center for 2 and a half years and taught her so many things. I managed to continue being her teacher till she was 2.5. I helped her learn how to walk, potty trained her...we were so close, we even managed to get our tonsils out on the same day at the same hospital, because I couldn't work without her there. After I left my job shortly after getting married I helped her parents out by watching her and her brother out and as a joke I threw out that I would nanny their kids till I found another job. Well, I didn't and we have been together ever since. Lucas has also grown attached to Ali and her brother as well. He calls her "my Ali" and they are good friends. Today was my last day and I didn't even cry! Well, until I got into the car with Ali and she lost it completely. we had a mini cry session and she said she was going to miss me so much and didn't want to go to summer camp and I have to agree, I don't want her to go either, but it will be good. I know all of this sounds so weird because she isn't even my kid, but in a way she was practice for me and my kids. She and I have a special little bond and I will always miss her and love her.

Here are some pictures of Ali when I first met her and was her teacher. Adorable huh? How could you not love that face? It is good for her to grow up and good for us too, but sad at the same time. Bittersweet. (big sigh)

1 comment:

Danielle Smith said...

Sheesh Val! Way to post such a downer and make us all cry!!! JK, that will be hard for both of you to be apart. :(


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.