Thursday, May 8, 2008

Diary of a 6 month old

I am usually pretty happy. I like to watch my brother, my mother and sometimes my daddy. I am very good at smiling, laughing, and rolling around. I like to climb on my brother, steal his toys, and get him in trouble. One of my favorite things right now is to sitt on my belly and act like a seal. See the picture below.
Another one of my favorite things right now is to fake cry when ever I see my brother. If my mommy is near I just make the face not the sound that comes with it. Again, usually while I am pretending to be a seal. See below.
Often, I ponder what I can do to get my brother in trouble. I like to take his trains and lick them and suck on them so that he cries that they are "yuck, gross" This is me eyeing the ball that is in his hand right now, while he is hugging mommy.
I am very good at seal crawling, and I can pretty much get to anything I want in the house. Currenly I am watching my family members walk and climb up the stairs. I think that will be my next adventure. Muah hahahaha. -Bridget Louise Witte


Jen said...

Adorable!!! She is too cute!!!

Emily S. said...

Nicely written, Bridget! You're coming right along!

(and Mama Witte-- I love the blog header and background!)

Laura said...

Okay...this is too cute. I am such an amateur blogger. What a cute idea!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.