Thursday, May 1, 2008

Don't be Jealous!

Yesterday here in "Colorful Colorado" (that is what the sign says as you enter or leave the state) it was a Whopping 80 degrees. Sunny, Warm, Hot even...depending on who you ask.

Then today it is 38 degrees and wait for it...wait for it...SNOWING! I mean seriously is hard enough to get my Dad to visit me, and then this? Snowing in May? Everytime I even mention to him that he should come out here it snows! I told him in February that May would be a great time to visit and on May 1st is SNOWS?
Lucas woke up this morning and said "short day?" I said no today is a boots and jacket day and he looked at me like...wait we went swimming yesterday, how could this be? He looked outside and wanted to go play in it. So I let him...
And in true Lucas form he has his favorite toy with him...his "coo-diiva" (screwdriver)
All he really cared about was catching it and eating it! Hehehehe
and that it snowed on his hair...

At least it doesnt stick to the ground....or does it?

So don't be Jealous of our weather! I know you wished you lived in a state where the tempurature fluctuates this much!


Liz and Cory said...

Let me tell you I am SOOO there, it snowed here today too :( Cory was trying to see if it would be warm while we are there and you wouldn't answer. I gave him the bad news, I CANNOT wait to see you guys!!! I LOVE Lucas and I am glad he still knows who I am. I am super excited, I will see you tommorrow at 10:50ish!!!!!! (that gives us time to unboard and run to see you!) PS Lucas looks like he is having so much fun you are so amazing!

Auntie V said...

Um, is lucas playing in the snow or auditioning for Romeo and Juliet?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.