Sunday, May 4, 2008


Nathan turned 30 April 27, and I had been planning a Suprise party for him since January. His whole family was flying out, and we were going to meet at a restaurant. He had no idea. It was a big suprise,and I am glad all of the Wittes were able to make it. Here is a slide show...

When I say whole family, I mean it...

Cory, Ben 22, Gary, Cindy, Nathan 30, Chris 17, Ryan 26, baby row Liz 24, Lucas, Valerie, Veronica, row Jared 28, baby Bridget, Alex 12, Spencer 15.

CRAZY! The stress is over, and I am glad we all were able to hang out on Sunday and have a good visit with everyone. We will have to see everyone again soon because Lucas is already asking "where Liz?" and looking for all of the people who spoiled him with attention this weekend!

P.S. I did cut my hair! 8 inches to be exact!


Danielle Smith said...

I am glad that you were able to pull off the party without a hitch. I hope Nathan feels really bad for all the times he was ever mean and not helpful, haha. Your hair looks fantastic, btw!! You should get a picture that is closer up of your hair. Love you chica! Way to go girl!!

Danielle Smith said...

laksdjf;lkajs;f ;lkajs;dl f;j alskjfd;la s;flja;sldfj ;la jfd;lasj f;ljf lkja;sdfljas;lfj;lsj lasj f;ajsflkja;slf;alsjf.laskjf;laskj;f

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

thank you danielle, thank you!

brieanne. said...

happe (belated) birthday to Nathan! Looks like you did a fantastic job at celebrating it! sweet new header :)
ps - I have 4 younger sisters.

Veronica said...

Thank you for not putting my age in! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.