Friday, May 16, 2008


These pictures were taken pre-black eye, I just forgot to post them. I don't like to post everyday because then you start to sound boring! I think everyday of my life is fun and interesting, but I don't need to share with everyone every piece of information that goes on in the Witte house. Plus people don't really care. So I like to post things that are cute and funny, and that I get pictures of. So here goes....

It has been rainy all week, and a lot of last week too. So going outside isn't really an option. Lucas tells me he needs the "balii" which meens blanket. I give him some and then he runs into Bridget's room. I hear her laughing on the monitor and see that Lucas has crawled into her tent and made a "tint" (tent) then I grabbed my camera and turned on the lights, Lucas screams "Noo! It's ni-nite" so I turned off the lights, and tried to take as many pictures as I could.
I gave him a flashlight and they were having a great time. Lucas was jumping while Bridget was standing up...her new favorite thing. (in the crib)

kids look so funny with their eyes closed...I love it! Hahahaha
Lucas took another jump and Bridget had had it! Lucas then "tried to wassale" (wrestle) Bridget and she overtook him. The last pictre is him begging for mercy. Nathan is probably saying right now..."that's my girl"
In these pictures especially, I see little Stephanie. (My sister) Bridget looks so much like her it is crazy! I will find some of her and scan them in...when I go home in June I will have to remember that.
These pics should be clickable, so click on them to enlarge! Oh, and for those of you (DS) who are wondering why Bridget's jammies are always yellow...its because she is in 12 month clothes and therefore she is in Lucas's old jammies because I haven't had time to get new pink ones! So there!


Jen said...

I disagree...I love when people blog everyday!!! Your kids are too cute :)

Megan said...

Fun new header (or maybe it's been a little while - I read from my google reader)! The pictures are great, and Brigit always amazes me with all she is doing. My little guy is still nowhere near sitting up, never mind standing.

Jeanette said...

I love reading your blog! Don't minimize your postings! Your kids are TOO cute!

Emily S. said...

these pictures are HEART-melting!! What good-looking kids you have! And so cute with each other!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.