Saturday, May 17, 2008


That is what it was a fest! Nathan and I planned on going again this year, since we live in Thornton, and everything is such a great deal...FREE! It was 80 and beautiful and the kids had a great time. Nathan and I were finally a couple again! He has been so busy that our schedules are here and there so its, dinner, bath, bed, shows, scrips, and g'night kiss. :) We got to hang out, and eat and this year we had a new addition...Bridget! Lucas was so fun wanting to ride the rides and play with the other kids and get cool stuff...from the different vendors. It is amazing the fun you can have without electronics, expensive things and money. I think people forget that sometimes. is our fun day.
Bridget was O-U-T! Lucas's eye looks so bad in the picture with the train doesn't it? HAHAHAHA I mean... Awww...

We finished our fun day with a quick shop and a trip to Verizon...we have new numbers so email us if you need it! :)


Auntie V said...

We will have to go with you guys next year. It looks like fun!

Liz and Cory said...

LOVE IT!!!! miss you all!! i did the largest post in history chiggity check it out!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.