Sunday, June 8, 2008

Diary of a 7 month old

Sorry it's been a while, Mommy is always blogging so it is hard to get computer time. I still am a content baby. I like to watch my brother, then crawl to him and tackle him, I mostly like doing this because he doesn't like it. I am stronger than him because I have a killer death grip and he just can't handle my womanly powers of strength. I still like to get my brother in trouble by fake crying when ever I see him. One of my favorite things right now is to hug and play with the big yellow vaccum but only when it is off. I also like to help Lucas with the Laundry...see below.
I really do not like tights. (see below) I don't understand why anyone would want to wear them, you can't pull out grass with your toes if you are wearing tights, and I absolutely LOVE to do that.
I had a few CATscans last week because my doctor at my 6 month check up was concerned that I had fluid on my brain, but no worries, it all worked out, I just have a lot of brain activity and they want to test for gifted-ness when I turn one. Who knows maybe I have special powers! :) One thing is for sure I do not have the power to climb up the stairs yet. I try and try but lifting my knee up is just so hard!
I love to eat, I think I get that from my GreatGrandpa Jerry he liked food a lot too. I love noodles and anything Lucas gets in trouble feeding me. Yesterday it was a snickerdoodle...let me just tell you my mom makes good cookies! I also like to laugh. When I say laugh I mean laugh so hard you start to hiccup, and then that makes you laugh even harder!

I am so good at crawling now that Mommy had to put up the gate. I love to talk. I think it is ridiculous that my Grandpa never asks to talk to me when he is on the phone with Lucas, so I make sure he can hear how mad I am by wailing at the top of my lungs so he notices me.Anyway, I gotta run...things to pick up off the floor and shove in my mouth, and lots of people to see. Our neighbors invited us over for deep fried turkey dinner tonight, so I am looking forward to trying that. Can't wait till mommy figures out what I have left for her in my diaper. Hahahaha -Bridget Louise Witte (adventurer, future boxer, and pooper extraordinaire)


Emily S. said...

LOVE her dress!! We'll probably hit Denver on the way back home in two weeks... Email me at southerlandgirl (at) yahoo (dot) com and maybe we can see if a quick meet-up works out!!

Danielle Smith said...

Wow, Bridget sure is a talented little girl. Gwendolyn has taken up using the computer, but isn't quite to the point of blogging yet. But then again, she is a little behind on things, many many things. One day she will walk...


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.