Monday, June 2, 2008

What the???

My Mondays are usually filled with tons of fun, this Monday in particular was quite exciting. I do all of my laundry on Mondays. Today it was 9 loads! We don't usually leave the house because this is such a daunting task...I mean enjoyable (sarcastic) task, but today we had to check the mail so we were able to see our 85 degree day for a few moments! :) We had a great dinner followed by Snickers Ice Cream (thanks again parents) The ice cream was a Valerie original and was FAB-U-LOUS! We had a little free time before FHE so the kids played together. Now when I tell you that Bridget is in the 111th percentile for height you will think, no way can she be that tall. But this picture proves it....Lucas is 15 months older her and only a head taller than her!

It was so cute to watch them push, I mean play together, and then Nathan had to ruin it by putting Bridget to bed. Hahaha We all came down stairs to watch some dancing show when Nathan runs upstairs and then comes down and opens the sliding glass door. What the ???

We go to the front of the house and open the door and it is HAILING!!! I mean pounding the house so hard you are scared hailing! Of course my son wants to go out and touch it, and play in it, like forget he still has that black eye, but he doesn't care, he is Mr. Adventure! (yes there is a cape) So we let him try to touch it. and he LOVED the sounds. Then the hail stopped and it dumped rain like you wouldn't believe! So we opted to watch the storm instead of FHE tonight, there is always tomorrow!

Lucas caught one! The weather channel was reporting softball sized hail in our area but we only got golf ball size. I am shocked Lucas didn't go grab his clubs and try to golf them out of the grass! :)

Lucas trying for more...

Nathan hand, golf ball sized hail....


Laura said...

WOW!!! Isn't that nuts? I'm convinved it's a Colorado only thing. I remember so many times racing outside to move the cars under something before they were hammered. It's a lot of fun to watch though.

Veronica said...

Good heavens!

Emily S. said...

off-topic... How old was your son when you began doing FHE with him? We kinda don't do it yet, and maybe we should... :)

On-topic-- crazy weather! Cool hail!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.