Saturday, June 28, 2008

Planes, Trains, Buses and Dampa!

Well it's official...Lucas had the day of his life and we hadn't even landed in California yet. We rode a bus to the airport. Lucas was sooooo excited. Bridget loved that she wasn't in her carseat!

Then we got to the airport and the kids went through security and the no shoes thing was fun for Lucas. The security people all hi-fived him and let him see the baggage x-rays which he thought was pretty cool. Then as things were coming off the rollers after the x-ray Lucas was assisting the other flyers by attempting to hand them their bags.

Then it was off to the train, to get to Concourse C where we were taking off from. Lucas was all about the train. He thought it was a ride so he put his arms up and enjoyed all of it. Then we went to our gate and Lucas and Bridget were getting comments left and right about how well behaved they were and of course how cute they were.

We waited for our plane to come and Lucas still didn't quite understand that we were going on a plane until the people came off the plane and we were told to line up. then Lucas put on his backpack and was ready to go inside. We had to wake up Nathan and Bridget because they had fallen asleep.

Once we got inside Lucas thought it would be okay to go in and check on the pilots and make sure that they knew what they were doing. They let him sit in driver seat and push a few buttons. He thought that was pretty awesome. Then as we were heading back to the seats Lucas was calling out for "Dampa" I think he thought that we were going on the plane with him instead of going to see him. :)

We got ourselves situated and then the plane took off. I am such a freak about schedules that as soon as the plane took kids fell asleep. Their entire naptime was on the plane! Yea me! They woke up for landing where I made Lucas look outside and his words exactly were "Hey I ha dat car!" " Ha dat truck too" I think he thought the trucks and cars were matchbox cars! :) Once the plane officially landed we then went to Grandpa's house.

Lucas immediatley walked in and was happy to see everyone and get the attention :) Grandma read to Lucas (which he loved) and then he headed outside to the water for a nice swim. That was our first day in Cali...beautiful.

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About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.