Saturday, September 27, 2008

Crazy Kids

We get back from Sam's and I see Lucas doing this...
I finish putting everything away and he says to me "Look Mommy, I'n a Robot" (yes I'n)
So I cut a hole in the Cheerios Box and said...
"Yes Lucas you are a robot! Do you come in peace?"
He said "Yup, peas and apple juice"
I don't know which is funnier... him in this get up or the fact that he is talking about robots while he is wearing his favorite caveman shirt? Either way, I laughed and looked over at Bridget.
I can only assume that if she were talking she would have said "Me too, Me too!" I love that they are so close in age and that they always want to be crazy together!

She loved the box on her head...maybe we have figured out this year's Halloween Costumes?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bubble Wrap

Today we received a package of presents for Bridget's birthday from Auntie Stephanie. What is ironic about this is that today is actually Auntie Stephanie's 23rd birthday! CRAZY. I took out the presents and there was some bubble wrap inside the box, Lucas asked me how it worked and when I showed him he was squealing with delight. So I put it on the floor and let him have at less than 30 seconds Bridget walked over to join in!
Thanks Auntie Stephanie! Happy Birthday to you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For those of you who know me, know that I don't really sleep. When I say that, I am not talking insomnia I am talking like I only let myself sleep for 6-8 hours. I never nap, I never go to bed early or for that matter sleep in, but that does not mean that I don't value sleep, in fact I am actually the complete opposite.

I am strict with my kids bed time and nap time, so much that I might not go somewhere if I can't get a nap into their day. For this reason I am grateful because my kids beg for naps. Ask anyone, if I even mention nap time they freak out like yes it is time, I need a nap! So I am especially grateful that nap time isn't an argument, and that bedtime is never a negotiation. I say its time and they go to their beds and are ready for an awesome slumber. They sleep well at night get a 2-3 hour nap almost every day, and you know what I think that is just great!

The problem is that sometimes they just fall asleep when ever or where ever and I sometimes get scared because they look dead, lifeless on the floor and I have to figure out why they are sleeping so much. They are extremely active and get up early so these random sleepy times are technically okay, but it still freaks me out! :)

Bridget over the past few days...
this picture is just missing the chalk line around her body!
Lucas over the past few days...
this one looks like he's had one too many apple juices.

I guess I can't complain right, I just have to learn to vacuum around them! Just Joking!
All this sleep can only mean one thing...Growth Spurt! NOOOOO!!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Choose Happy

Lucas comes out of Nursery today with a picture of a happy face and I laughed and asked him what it was, and he says " I choose happy" So it made me think, I guess we do choose to be happy, with all of the things out there in the world that could make us easily upset or angry it only takes one person to change that, and it is ourselves.

I now will list 10 things that make me happy, other than the obvious stuff...

1. My kids will try anything, and most of the time eat anything.
2. My husband watches the kids so I can finish things I need to get done.
3. Anytime I need help or need something I have friends in my ward who are willing to help.
4. My kids genuinely like each other, they don't really fight and that they are happiest when they are together.
5. My kids go to bed at 8 and I have time to be with my husband, like in the pre-kid days.
6. My parents and in laws are supportive and love us no matter even if we keep having kids. :)
7. I learn something new almost everyday, whether it is from my kids or my husband or the cutie Tyler Florence :)
8. I have Dani and Dad who I talk to daily, these two help me get through the rough days and help me see the good ones.
9. Being pregnant with #3 is such a blessing that I can't not write it, I mean it makes me happy everyday.
10. My creative outlet, this makes me happy because I get 3 hours a day to paint, or scrapbook or write and this just helps me stay me. I love that my kids nap long enough to allow me to do this because I would feel lost.

No pictures this time, sorry folks. I am just feeling a bit reflective today. Maybe it was the ugly pink face my son colored on his happy face or the fact that he just said it incorrectly, correctly. Ho Hum now I will go upstairs and eat the cookies I made this afternoon. :)

Friday, September 19, 2008


Nathan is back from his trip and man were the kids excited! I have never seen Bridget run until the door bell rang and Lucas opened the door to find Daddy on the other side! She was grunting and laughing and embraced him like I had never seen before. The kids get it when he's not home, maybe because I am not as fun? Who knows...
They didn't give Nathan any time to sit and relax they jumped on him right away! Lucas was first to get Nathan but he retaliated by grabbing him and tickling him like crazy. Bridget thought that was her opportunity to pounce on Daddy while he wasn't looking...
Look at Lucas (above) man he looks like he is going to die from laughter! Then Bridget got to the top (below) and was laughing and laughing and I got this picture. Hahaha
Then daddy gave them a bumpy ride and Bridget decided to make sour faces. She was being so funny.I think I missed him the most though, because I had such a weird week myself and he wasn't here to be with me during the scary parts of it. I guess that is what friends are for though right?

The best part about him being home is that I won't have to text him to get a hold of him! Yeah!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Under the Shady Tree... two and me! I LOVE Laurie Berkner! I have her DVD, all 4 CD's and if she were ever to come to Denver I would buy tickets for everyone I know, just so they could see how awesome she really is!

I am posting, so that someone could see what they are missing here while they are in Arizona. Today the high was 65, it was beautiful, breezy and so chill. So much better than the 100 degree he had in Arizona last night at 8:30 pm! YUCK!

Today we ate PB &J fingers on the lawn and sat under the Shady Tree and enjoyed some soccer fun...More ducky time....
Sharpening our teeth on the lawn rocks...
Crab Crawling down the hill...
but mostly we just enjoyed watching the trash trucks pick up everyone's trash on our street.
Oh, and waiting for the mailman to come. Ahh, the life of a stay at home mom...I love it! I love not being busy and just enjoying my kids, and the beautiful Colorado weather.

Oh and this video!

So Nathan, you better be missing us! These pictures should make you vewy,vewy homesick!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A good Daddy

With all that has been going on this sad and depressing week, I decided to clean up my desktop and came across a few pictures that I had taken last week.

This was before everything happened and it seems like it was so long ago. Maybe because we weren't running around, or busy, maybe it was becuase we were just chillin' with our kids, but these pictures almost make me cry because it seems like such a simpler time...(no I am not pg emotional right now)

Nathan the awesome guy he is always does bedtime with our kids. He gets home at 5:30and takes the kids. Plays and sings songs, reads, whatever they want while I make dinner. We eat dinner and then he takes them upstairs for bath, or stories or quiet time, so I can do whatever I want like read emails, blog :), or read a book. Then he puts them down for bed at 8 and we have all evening together. Watch a movie, talk, play a game, or just sit and smile at each other. :) He is such an awesome husband.

Well on the day these pictures were taken I could hear giggling upstairs so I grabbed my camera and saw them reading and rolling around with their blankies (their favorite ones) and I couldn't resist spying on them. Here is what I saw...

I just love how my kids adore Nathan. I mean they not only get along great as siblings but they truly love their Daddy. Its so cute! I wish I could post pictures of what they look like when they see him come home after work. They wait at the window and start breathing heavy and just explode with excitement when they see him walk up to the door. I love it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We went to the Zoo to relieve some stress of the weeks happenings, and because Auntie Liz really wanted to go. Even though Uncle Cory was sick, and it was only 54 degrees outside we still went. It was awesome because no kids were there. My kiddos could walk around and see what ever they wanted without having to shove through the 600 kids on field trips. It was a great little mini adventure!
We had fun! After the zoo we picked up Nathan at work. (he is 5 blocks away) and then ordered pizza and watched Monday night football! Our kids were worn out by 8pm so we put them in bed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10 months

Bridget turned 10 months yesterday. It was a very exciting thing for us. We put the kids in jammies and then played with them a bit. Bridget is now pretty much walking all the way now. Remember while watching the video she is in footie jammies so the wood floors are hard to keep your balance on! :)

So far Bridget is very into finding out what others are doing...
Like the Raider game that was on last night. She is very curious and independent, but loves to cuddle with Daddy at night. She is such a sweetie.She is also into competing with Lucas. If he wants a blanket she will go to it and sit on it and make him work for it. She is a lot stronger (fatter) than him, so she clearly has the advantage.We are most impressed with her walking skills. I have heard that girls take longer to walk, but she seems to be right on the same schedule as Lucas was. She just cut her FIRST 2 teeth and that is just as exciting. We love her little personality and wish all of you could meet her. Enjoy the video! (ignore my voice)

Monday, September 8, 2008

A breath of fresh air

Finally something that doesn't have to do with everyone being sick or tired or bad news of any sort, Lucas got a response! A Letter! A mail! Thank you Kylie, you will get a response soon! Well once Lucas lets go of the letter! :) He was so excited he showed Uncle Cory. Bridget was mad at all of the attention Lucas was getting.Then Lucas got ready for tonights game...Broncos vs. Raiders....GO RAIDERS!On a side note, Nathan is doing much better, thanks for all of the emails. Once is face heals and his soreness goes away he should be back to normal!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


There is no easy way to put it, but Grandpa Plumb died, Auntie Liz and Uncle Cory are staying with us, Nathan had an attack at 3am and my kids haven't slept well in 4 days. I am pregnant and soooo tired. That is all.

This was Christmas 2006. It seems like it was so long ago. We will miss Grandpa Plumb (Nathan's mom's Dad)

Friday, September 5, 2008


I realized just yeasterday how popular my son has become. I think he gets it from me because well, let's face it I am Nathan's only friend. Not because he isn't friendly but because he is so devoted to me that he doesn't have any time for anyone else. I have to say I like it that way.
Everytime I watch someone else's kids or go to the store Lucas says hi, or will immediatley play with them. Last week it was going to Robert's house or going to Tommy's house. This week it was Anna comming over and Robert coming over, and then going to Anna's house and Larke's house. I mean I am friends with their moms but he has no qualms going and playing with anyone. He is never shy, he is rarely sad (except when Noah goes on bay-k-shun), and he loves playing with his friends. When I tell him that we are staying at home today he looks at me like why does my social life suffer when you have chores to do?
I am glad that we have raised such an independent, fun, loveble, and friendly little man!
Bridget on the otherhand is our Wild Card. She is so crazy and unpredictable I don't even want to get into it. But I will say that she loves that she was the only girl when Robert and her brother Tanner were over. She thought is was so funny.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This morning Lucas said to me, "Noah still on bacashoon without me?"
I said yes, he is still on vacation.
"Why Mom?"
I told him it was because we take turns when we go on vacation. We went to Grandma and Grandpas and then Noah gets to go to DisneyWorld. When Noah gets back we are going to see Gigi and Grandpa and Grandma again, but this time we will get to see the beach.
"Beach! I will need my swimmin suit" he said.
I told him that when it snows here it will be time to go to the beach.
"I still miss Noah, mom"
I know, do you want to color him a picture?
"No, I want to wite him a letta"
Great idea Lucas let's go get some paper.
"No, I stay here you go"

So that is what we did, we wrote letters to his friends. First he wrote to Noah, and then he said "I wite to Kylie, she is my big friend." I said that is a good idea, anyone else? "Ummm Dampa, I love him friend." So we wrote letters to 3 of his friends
He colored one side and then told me what to write on the other. He can almost write his name, so if you look closely he has the L U C and W pretty much mastered. He doesn't like the letter A so it will be a challenge to get him to write it. I then put the addresses on them and he insisted on putting on the "stumps."
Then he walked them out to the mailbox. This was his favorite part of the letter process I think.
He put them in and then said "Where's Dowas's lettas?" I told him that the mail man needs to deliver his letters before his friends can write to him back. He looked really upset but then I told him it was snack time and he ran back inside.
When we got inside Bridget had already stolen some crackers! She is such a little punk!
She even has the hair to prove it! I think we will have to write more tomorrow, we forgot some other friends that Lucas sees all of the time like Emily and Robert and Larke. I hope everyone enjoys their letters!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.