Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Choose Happy

Lucas comes out of Nursery today with a picture of a happy face and I laughed and asked him what it was, and he says " I choose happy" So it made me think, I guess we do choose to be happy, with all of the things out there in the world that could make us easily upset or angry it only takes one person to change that, and it is ourselves.

I now will list 10 things that make me happy, other than the obvious stuff...

1. My kids will try anything, and most of the time eat anything.
2. My husband watches the kids so I can finish things I need to get done.
3. Anytime I need help or need something I have friends in my ward who are willing to help.
4. My kids genuinely like each other, they don't really fight and that they are happiest when they are together.
5. My kids go to bed at 8 and I have time to be with my husband, like in the pre-kid days.
6. My parents and in laws are supportive and love us no matter even if we keep having kids. :)
7. I learn something new almost everyday, whether it is from my kids or my husband or the cutie Tyler Florence :)
8. I have Dani and Dad who I talk to daily, these two help me get through the rough days and help me see the good ones.
9. Being pregnant with #3 is such a blessing that I can't not write it, I mean it makes me happy everyday.
10. My creative outlet, this makes me happy because I get 3 hours a day to paint, or scrapbook or write and this just helps me stay me. I love that my kids nap long enough to allow me to do this because I would feel lost.

No pictures this time, sorry folks. I am just feeling a bit reflective today. Maybe it was the ugly pink face my son colored on his happy face or the fact that he just said it incorrectly, correctly. Ho Hum now I will go upstairs and eat the cookies I made this afternoon. :)


Laura said...

You are one lucky girl! So lucky to have such a great hubby, and two great kids....and have another little one growing within. Happiness really is a choice isn't it? Maybe I'll choose to be happy tomorow...sounds good to me!

Danielle Smith said...

Way to choose the right when a choice is placed before you!!

*jess* said...

what a great post...everyone should be reminded to CHOOSE HAPPY! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.