Monday, December 29, 2008


When I see this date I don't usually have any sort of reaction, like I hate the 29th, or what a more perfect day than the 29th of December--but--today when I see this date I just want it to go away. Be the next day already. (if your birthday is today I am sorry)

Nathan had to leave work early and come home at 8:30pm because they are having their BIG move today. I knew about this day, it was a long time coming, but I was not prepared for what was really in store for me back at home.

Lucas thought that Stephanie was coming back. So he would dump all of the toys out to see if she would come out of hiding to help him clean up.

Bridget found every random cup in my room (4) and decided that today was the day she was going to FORGET how to drink from a cup. I had several puddles on my comforter.

Danielle's husband came home early and so I had no one to talk to ALL day. LAME.

I didn't think about even going grocery shopping because I was waiting for Wachovia Bank to call me back about some unfinished transfers that were supposed to happen today.

I thought to myself, Nathan is eating dinner at work, I will treat myself to potstickers and give the kids spaghetti, let them be VERY messy and then take a long extended bath before putting them to bed. The plan was working until I turned on the water to give the kids a bath and went to turn off the lights down stairs when I hear Bridget scream. I run upstairs and find out that I have a bathtub FULL of FREEZING water and Bridget is in it with a diaper on. So of course I was thrilled to take her 29 pound body, and 10 pound diaper out of the bathtub to change her when I realize that the pilot light went out on the water heater! I can't get to it in the basement because Nathan is finishing the basement thanks to his Christmas present from my parents, and now I have 2 naked kids who are half wet and cold.

I run them (yes run them) downstairs and start microwaving water so I can at least get the spaghetti off of their bellies, faces, necks, hair and any crevasse I have not mentioned. Don't believe me?Oh yes, yes I did. Please remember I am 7.5 months pregnant and have a very very large belly right now. Lucas asked me why I was doing this and I said because today for FHE we are taking Pioneer Baths! :) Neither of them liked this, in fact for 20 minutes they both were very uncomfortable and upset and whiny.

I got them dressed into jammies and then put them in my room to watch a movie so I could just breathe and calm down and then out of no where I hear a crash and see that Lucas was running and accidentally kicked one of the glass cups that Bridget was drinking from earlier make that 5 cups now, into the door jam, and it shattered, and I mean shattered everywhere. So of course I was not calm and had to carry the vacuum up 3 flights of stairs to clean the new mess up.

I think that I will just sit here, finish this blog and leave the spaghetti mess on the table for Nathan to clean up when he gets home at 8:30. Yes, it sounds good to me. So December 29th its time to be over. Its time for the 30th. I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring, the problem is that Stephanie ate all of my Snickerdoodles! DANG her!


Laura said...

I'm so sorry you had a bad day. This is the day when you should have called me! Hopefully Nathan will give you a little relief from your day.

Chaney said...

Sorry your day wasn't the greatest! I did however LOVE the "pioneer" bath bit. I'm going to use that pilot light will go out eventually!

Jen said...

Oh, I am so sorry that you had such a terrible day...and to be 7.5 months pregnant on top of it all!!! I feel for ya girl!!! However, I will have to say that it is kinda nice to know that we all have days like those...:)

The Halls said...

You know, when it rains it pours, and a bad day seems to only go from bad to worse. Hopefully a few months from now this day will become a funny story you tell people. Hope tomorrow is better!

Courtney Lynn said...

Eventhought this crappy day seemed to happen you are still pretty funny. Keep that in mind, you are funny.

Danielle Smith said...

You just rubbed this all in my face didn't you?! This is going along the lines of the potato incident in your book I'm sure! I hope your eye feels better and that Nathan nurses you back to better health.

Veronica said...

Val, why didn't you call me. Ryan was at inventory until 2 in the morning and we had a bad night too. We could have had bad nights together! I like how even Bridgie's hair looks cold in one of the pictures! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.