Saturday, December 13, 2008

Must Be Santa!

My kids think Santa is pretty cool. Our Ward's Christmas Breakfast was this morning and I think it went pretty well. I also think Courtney and I did a pretty good job keeping things organized and rolling considering we had such a huge turn out! :) Thanks to Brian for taking the Santa pictures and thanks to Brother Olds for being the Santa! :)Lucas laughed and laughed when he saw Santa, he told Santa that for Christmas he wanted "Stephanie to come get her box because it was in the way of presents" Then he said he wanted a basketball like Robert's. (of course) He thought that if he made animal sounds for Santa he would get an extra Candy Cane but Santa's no fool! :)
Bridget just snuggled up to Santa, she wasn't scared just happy to be getting her picture taken! :) Hahaha

The food was pretty good, the turn out was great, and my kids were happy. What more could I want? "Happy Mismis!"


Danielle Smith said...

You better hope that Lucas can't secretly read your blogs! The truth may be out about know, that he shops at Big Lots instead of having elves make the toys!!

Lisa said...

My kids had a fun time at the Christmas party. Thanks! I know it is a lot of work to put everything together.

C&R Phillipps said...

I thought the party went well. The craft rotation idea was great! Thanks for not making us sing carols while we wait for our turn to see santa.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.