Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Day/Year

"This year, I find myself thinking more about what I AM rather than what I WANT... And I know that when the end of the year arrives next week, it is more likely that I will want to craft a written statement that explains my worldview at this time in my life.... rather than write a list of things I want/should be working on. I guess I just feel like I KNOW what I should be working on, and every day I try to get a little closer. Already. Without needing to declare it in a brash, year-end promise." ---Emily S.

I couldn't have said it better myself. We never make resolutions in our house. Goals are how Nathan would describe it, but in 2009 we are looking forward to so many things that instead of goal setting we are just waiting for certain things to happen or celebrate. 2009 will be a bunch of celebrations for our little family.

In January, Nathan will have been at OST for 2 years, in a new building, in a new nice office and doing something that he is not only good at, but loves. He is king of the nerds at work and I don't think he would want it any other way.

In February we will celebrate our 4th year of marriage. This is a big deal for us, and each year it just gets more and more exciting!

In March we will be celebrating the birth of our 3rd child, which just happens to be another girl.

In April, Nathan and I both have birthdays to celebrate, and my parents are coming out to meet the new baby.

In May we are going on our 1st camping trip of the summer season. I am so very excited about this particular camping trip. Also we will be celebrating Bridget's entrance to Nursery!

In July, Lucas will be turning 3. This is just CRAZY to me. To celebrate...he is getting a new room!

In August we are going to California to visit my family before we have to pay for Bridget's seat! :)

In September we are going on a road trip with RV Witte's. Where we don't know yet, but we know we are going.

In November, Bridget will be turning 2. Can you believe it already?!?

In December it will be another Christmas to celebrate. We are going to try and coax my parents to come out and visit...but we have to convince my father that snow is not that bad. :)

I hope that everyone has a great 2009 and gets new haircuts like we always do. Nathan and Lucas already have had theirs-I am next and Bridget-well...she needs to figure out how her bangs are going to grow in! :)

PS***today was a MUCH better day****


Cherstin rocks said...

Just be careful cutting bangs on little girls. They don't fully grow in most of the time for a couple of months/years so if you cut them too early then you get bangs for half their head. LOL I haven't really cut Abby's hair yet.

We're looking forward to 09 too!

Jen said...

Glad today was a better day! Sounds like you guys have a wonderful year ahead of you!

Maymo said...

Umm... somehow I missed the announcement that you are having another girl... how'd that happen???

Druciana said...

Wow! You have a busy year ahead of you! Sounds like fun though.

Liz and Cory said...

You missed one of the most important and monumental trips you will or should be planning. To see us :(

Jami said...

That was a very inspiring post. I have high hopes for this new year, too. :) Happy New Year!

Danielle Smith said...

Dang, so many comments to follow after. I feel so uncool being the follower. I hope a good ol' visit to Utah is in the works! What happened to your Oregon trip?

Veronica said...

Um, what is happening in October. You totally skipped it and October is just as good as any of the other months. What do you have against it anyway? By the way the word verification for me this time is "unmeat" What?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.