Monday, December 8, 2008

Ode to the Third Trimester

Ode to The Last Trimester

Oh, first of Trimesters I remember it well
Nausea crept its way in As she began to swell
The cravings of food None of which seem to mix
Like pickles and ice cream With a serving of Twix
The second trimester “Do I look pregnant yet?'”
The question we husbands Pray that we never get
“I have nothing to wear!” But it's all truth this time
As she thanks God aloud For elastic waist lines
But Oh third Trimester Moods change like the seasons
She pees when she sneezes Tears come for no reason
Her stretch marks are forming And her feet disappear
But this time it's OK She has reason for tears
PUPPPs again begin forming Oh the itch with no end
With all the discomfort Why'd we have one again?
She recalls the answer Asking “Why in the world?”
When the pain goes away And she's handed her girl

I am grateful that with 90 days and only 11+ weeks to go I am still feeling great, no nausea, no sickness, no pain, nothing really, just this baby girl is sitting really high like the last two and only really kicks hard at night. I haven't had any strange cravings and I have only cheated once with Sushi! :P I am not swelling and haven't had any weird things happen to me since the beginning. I have a ton of baby hair like I did with Bridget growing on my head but nothing to complain about. I did complain that I was huge earlier but with the other 6 women due in March with me in my ward, I look just as pregnant as them, which is a good thing considering this is my 3rd and the rest of them are on their 1st! :) The best part about being due in March right now is that this baby girl will have 6 other little girls to play with who all were born in the same month. Another good thing is that flu season will be over, the cold weather will be on it's way out and Spring will be here in no time!

I am also grateful that my husband is so sweet and will call me in the middle of the day just to make sure I'm okay, not the kids, not the pregnancy just me. I love it! :)


Jen said...

Yay...the third trimester!!! Congrats :)confa

C&R Phillipps said...

My Jackson was born on March 6, and I agree that is the best time for a new baby. It is so annoying to have to bundle up those winter babies every time you step out!

ஐ*¨KRiSta¨*ஐ said...

How exciting for you! Im glad you are feeling good. Best Wishes

Emily S. said...

good update!! Sounds like things are smooth, and your hubs is a sweetie to check in on you!!


Laura said...

Great poem! I can't believe you're already in the third trimester. WOW!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.