Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Matchy Matchy

This is not the first time or the last time I will be posting about matching my kids. Today was just a regular day, we got ready to go to Kathy's to watch her kids and I realized...I had a matching outfit on the girls. Bridget wanted to hold her "bebe" so I let her while I blowdried my hair. I looked over and she was singing twinkle twinkle to Scarlett. It was so cute. I thought I was getting video but I just got a few pictures, it was so sweet.

I can't wait for spring, there are a ton of outfits I am dying to put them in! :)
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Horn! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

The BIG reveal

No this is not some after birth belly shot. Trust me that would just be weird since I am not squishy because I had a C-Section. Hahaha. Anyway, I have been talking for about a year about redoing my back splash. When we moved here 4 years ago the house was salmon and pea green. The previous owners (the original owners) had not even unpacked their boxes because they had only lived in this house for about 9 months but somehow they managed to pick the most hideous colors at Home Depot to paint the two main rooms of the house. We did a major overhaul 4 years ago, before I was pregnant with Lucas to paint the house and get it in nice shape. Well these stripes were my idea. I always wanted stripes in my kitchen, and Nathan helped me achieve this...
I loved it until around a year ago. I get teased a lot because I paint the house more than people paint their toes but I can't help it, I LOVE to paint! I would consider myself an expert because I am a paint snob and it always turns out the way I want it to. I would never EVER buy Behr paint, actually anything from Home Depot, it may be $1.60 cheaper but it doesn't cover like Valspar (Lowe's brand) It is the best paint I have EVER used and we have painted 13 times in this house in various rooms.

Here's how it went...
It took me 8 months to get the courage to do it, because I ALWAYS have several big projects at the end of my pregnancies. Lucas=his room painted and such, Bridget=her room, the kids bathroom, Scarlett=the kitchen, the downstairs bathroom and the garage. AAH!

I LOVE it what do you think?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fire and Ice

Nathan was sent home early yesterday and told not to come in today! Yeah for Blizzards! When Nathan came home Lucas wanted to help shovel the walk. I told him he needed a jacket and his boots before he could even go outside. What did he do? He put his boots over his firetruck jammies, his double jacket and then ran outside before I even knew where he went. I was calling his name and neither Nathan nor I could find him. We then hear a sound outside...Lucas was already out shoveling. Nathan runs out to get him and he is covered in snow. The jacket wasn't even zipped! He came inside because I told him he needed a hat and gloves and while I went to get them he screams "My hands on fire! They are burning! They hurt!" They were practically frozen! He cried and then after he warmed up he wanted to go back out and help.

He looked so cute when he came inside...(the second time)

I love this little dude.
Then this morning after talking to my father who doesn't do snow, but everytime he plans a trip it snows...even in May! We decided to all go out and build a snowman. It was warm enough to just wear sweat pants, and luckily the snow had melted enough that it was nice and wet snow. We had a fun time just running in it and shoveling some of the walk.

Our snowman has nothing to say that is why he has no mouth!
Oh and Grandpa, look at that scarf! Hahaha

After all of the snow playing and our mittens and gloves getting all wet we decided to throw snow balls into the ice river in the gutter. This I think was the highlight of the afternoon
We love that only in Colorado it will dump snow, close the city and then the next day all melt down so it is fun to play in. I told you Colorado has 320 days of sunshine, go ahead be jealous. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Little Sisters

My mom doesn't know I am writing this right now, she is down the stairs finishing the kitchen, she is painting it right now. I felt like I should blog about the problem with little sisters, my sisters really. So here it goes...

The problem with little sisters is that they never leave you alone...

She likes to mess with your train table right after you clean it off to play on it...
She doesn't know how to share MY toys...even at 6 weeks old!
She always beats me at Dr. Mario on the Wii...
She never wants to play the same game as me...
She eats the last of the ketchup, drinks the last boxed drink and makes me eat the Dora snacks because she wanted the Diego snack, MY Diego snack. I always get in trouble even though she starts the fight. She insists on wearing my clothes and has even gone as far as wearing my undies. What really makes me mad is that she heard Mommy talking to Robert's mom on the phone last night about going skating with Robert and all of my friends and she made this happen:
I just know it was her! She didn't want me to have any fun. When I say she I mean Bridget!
Don't even get me started on this little one...Scarlett is mad that she can't torment me yet!
It's tough being a Big Brother, trust me.
This all kinda reminds me of a certain Mercer Mayer book...

By: Lucas Witte

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eric Carle

We LOVE Eric Carle. I read about 4 or 5 of his books a day. Today we just happened to read Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? So I pulled out the paint and we made some animals. Today's project was inspired by this cute template and this one too.

I just wanted to let everyone know that Bridget really does think she is a boy. When she sees Lucas shirtless and in undies, she now has to be like him. She wanted Choo-Choo's and Lucas was already wearing his McQueen undies and so if his shirt was off so is hers.
at first, they wanted to be at the table, but then they decided on the floor was cool too...
Then it was so much fun we decided to paint with our feet, yes our feet!
They looked just what they were supposed to look like...for now. I looked at my paint covered kids and took them upstairs. Gosh my little boys are cute:
They love baths anyway but when I told them it was going to be a midday bubble bath they FREAKED OUT!It was like..."you are going to let us play with the bubbles?"
They soaked in the tub for about 15 minutes while I checked on Scar-letta (that is Nathan's new name for her) She was chill as always, so then we got dressed and picked our animals. Here are the finished products to add to my Wall Art Gallery in the toy room...

they totally look like his animals don't they?

I have decided that I am going to start an Art Group. I am going to do it on Tuesdays and today was my first project. Not all of them will be messy, but since I only had my kids we did a super messy one today. Hehehe. I have a ton on ideas but would love others so email me if you have any cool art projects let me know! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

16 days

Yes, 16 days till that stinkin' belly button thing fell off of Scarlett's belly button. She had to wait 16 days till she could get a good bath. We had to give her a sponge bath around day 10 because she had her first crazy spit up on day 10 and I didn't want her to stink before lunch group! :)

Here are some classics from the first bath. I love how mad they get, mean I know, but it is like the only true emotion you get to see when they are this little.

The kids were very concerned, they wanted to make sure their baby Scarlett was okay.

Look, she is getting chub!
She has gained a good amount. At her two week check up on Friday they wanted her to get back to her birth weight (6.7 lbs) well, she exceeded it weighing in at 7.4 lbs. If this continues she will be chubby like her brother and sister. Yea!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's that time again...

Matching Sunday's!!! Wa-hoo! You all have no idea how excited I have been to put my girls in matching dresses. No seriously...as soon as we found out Scarlett was a girl we rushed to the store to buy matching dresses. Well, Grandma Horn bought Bridget this cute little sweater dress from Baby Gap last year and chubby Bridget could only wear it once. So I searched and searched and found another one in 18-24 months so the girls could match...here goes:
Lucas wore a pink button down shirt so he didn't feel left out. We had a great day at church and we even got to see Scarlett's new little friends, Baby Jane Olsen and Baby Avery Waken. So Cute! We still haven't met 2 other of the March babies, maybe next week. :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.