Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dreams do come true!

For Lucas! This boy is OBSESSED with firetrucks, fire men, fire dogs, Fireman Sam, anything fire related. I am currently in this anti-nesting phase where I would rather be anywhere but my own house. Which means that the laundry isn't getting done, the dishes aren't getting done, etc. This also means for the children that they are having the best week ever because they are going all sorts of places that don't include sitting in a cart, or being super quiet.

I asked Rachel if she and the kids would like to accompany us to the Firefighter Museum in downtown Denver. She said yes and so goes our day. Lucas didn't really get where we were going until we walked inside the building.
He kept telling me over and over that there was an emergency and that the firefighters were going to come. I think he thought that we were in a fire station but that's okay. Lucas and Anna liked looking around at all of the fun antiques and then we spotted it...

The first play area. They had a dress up area and an open firetruck for the kids to play in. We spent a lot of time here...
Bridget also joined in on the fun...did I mention that she thinks she is as big as everyone else?
We then went upstairs and checked out the second play area which was dedicated to learning what to do in a fire, stop-drop-and-roll and a book and video area. They also had a computer station to play fire games on.
After that we went back downstairs for fire story time where the kids enjoyed 2 books about fire things and then they learned all about 911. Did I mention that Bridget thought this was especially for her? She waited her turn and everything!
After the museum we went to Civic Center Park and ate a picnic lunch and the kids had fun running around in the grass. We drove home and everyone took a GREAT nap. I am glad they came with us, and even more glad I wasn't alone at home! HAHAHA

Thanks Rachel, Anna and Issac for such a fun day!

1 comment:

The Cleverley's said...

That's awesome! Your kidlets are sooooo dang cute! I like the "reverse nesting" mode. I'm in that mode all of the time, too bad i can't blame it on pregnancy. It's probably good for you and the kids to get out now, while you can, since it will all change once the baby comes.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.