Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

I am on the Ward's activities committee, well so is Courtney - it is just the two of us and we scheduled our ward's Easter activity for this weekend because we had building conflicts, so instead of skipping it this year we did it a month early. Who can say no to candy?

We had a pretty good turn out and I know my kids had fun. Here are some pictures to prove it. :) Lucas told Nathan as they were walking into the building that the decorations were amazing. It was just a bunch of eggs, but they kids were all excited! :) Bridget LOVED being one of the big kids, I have a feeling she will have NO problem joining Nursery in two months!

After the egg hunt, we had the kids decorate sugar cookies. Everyone ate and enjoyed and had a fun time. Scarlett was being passed around the ward so Nathan and I were able to take the kids to hunt, and we both loved hearing how cute she was! :) A fun Saturday indeed.


Momza said...

Hi there. Came across your blog and saw that you're in Thornton.
Do you know the Carlsons?
I was actually baptized in the Denver North Stake, Northglenn 2nd (?) Ward back in the days of the dinosaurs (1979) many good people up there!

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

I love Easter Egg Hunts!! Cute pictures....

The Cleverley's said...

That looks like fun! But I have to admit you've got me a little panicked! Easter is almost here and I'm NOT ready!?!?!

Danielle Smith said...

If I didn't see that last picture, I would have thought that you had planned a church activity for your family only, haha. There seemed to not be many people there. Now I want sugar cookies. That lady at the top may have known my parents, hmm...

Danielle Smith said...

Man, someone's got some ugly converse shoes in the background. And with capris?! I hope it's not a mom and it's just a preteen who is in an awkward stage! Well, whoever it is, let's nominate them for What Not To Wear! Bless her heart, whoever it is.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.