Monday, March 23, 2009

16 days

Yes, 16 days till that stinkin' belly button thing fell off of Scarlett's belly button. She had to wait 16 days till she could get a good bath. We had to give her a sponge bath around day 10 because she had her first crazy spit up on day 10 and I didn't want her to stink before lunch group! :)

Here are some classics from the first bath. I love how mad they get, mean I know, but it is like the only true emotion you get to see when they are this little.

The kids were very concerned, they wanted to make sure their baby Scarlett was okay.

Look, she is getting chub!
She has gained a good amount. At her two week check up on Friday they wanted her to get back to her birth weight (6.7 lbs) well, she exceeded it weighing in at 7.4 lbs. If this continues she will be chubby like her brother and sister. Yea!!!


Danielle Smith said...

I love her "straight from the womb" pose! Classic newborn right there! She totally embodies a newborn in that photo. You can just feel it from her. Especially in the eyes. I really believe it. She needs to audition for America's Next Top Model. The requirements are 5'7" and under right? and I do believe she is under 5'7" at least! And newborn is a different kind of beautiful, and that's what Tyra likes!

Veronica said...

Those long skinny legs kill me man!!!

The Cleverley's said...

I love the "angry" face. And I'm really impressed at how well she keeps her modesty. Her foot is always in just the "right" place!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.