Monday, June 8, 2009


Has finally hit me. It took 3 months but today it just hit me. I am tired! :)

Here is the day...
6:30am - Up and making Muffins...Streusel Topped Blueberry Muffins, MY own recipe7:30am - Clean up and hit the showers while the children watch "toot and paddle" (puddle)
8:00am - Make necessary calls to ward people for the big move to the new building
8:15am - Pack up van for the long day ahead.
8:30am - Drop off toy donations to Gwen's for the new building
9:15am - Stop at Kathy's to cut letters for the bulletin board
9:55am - Call Lisa to see if she will watch #1 and #2 so I don't have to take them to church
10:15am - Pick up pictures from Ward Luau and get hassled about taking a stolen credit card.
10:45am - Stop by old church to get last minute stuff
11:00am - Hit up Banks to get bulletin board stuff! ARG!
11:15am - Drop off kids at Lisa's (THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH)
11:30am - Get to new building and realize there is NO stapler!!!
11:45am - After going to 2 places and calling 2 people in the neighborhood for a stapler go back to new building feeling defeated.
11:55am - Scarlett screaming because I need to feed her. Realize there is a stapler in the clerk's office the entire time!
12:00pm - Finish feeding Scarlett (30 minutes late) and do bulletin board 1 of 2, never knew we had 2! AAH
12:30pm - Get stuck behind construction traffic
12:45pm - Pick up kids from Lisa's
1:00pm - Get home and throw the kids in bed for nap (1 hour late)
3:30pm - Lose my car keys after loading up the kids in the car!
3:45pm - Hear my kids singing "I like fish" from Yo Gabba Gabba in the car
4:00pm - Arrive at Daddy's work...SURPRISE!!! Happy Father's Day! We couldn't wait to surprise you with our present so we came to your work to deliver it! 2 weeks EARLY!

4:30pm - Hear all of the oohing and aahing over our adorable kids. Nathan showing Lucas what he does all day.

Bridget testing a new system...I think she's got it!

4:50pm - Leave Daddy's work and head to 3 Margarita's. Mmmm. Scarlett stretching and tooting the entire time, like she had beans or something.

6:50pm - Realize I missed our Art date with Chrystal and her girls! Dang it! I need to email her a HUGE apology!
7:30pm - Kids in the bath and realize this is how my life is going to be for a while. CRAZY busy and jam packed with stuff to do and places to go.
7:33pm - Realize I need a vacation! Whew!
7:41pm - UPS rings my doorbell with an UNEXPECTED package just for me...
Thank you Grandma, I really needed this today! Now I can take my vacation in an incredible cookbook! :) The best part is that my husband is the one who truly benefits from this package! :)
8:00pm - Taking a hot shower and RIPPING off yellow squares of a certain TY card per Stephanie's request! LOL!!!
I think it's going to be an early night. I am tired and my feet are starting to hurt! :)


Jami said...

Geesh! I'm exhausted just reading that! lol Do you always shower twice a day??

Kathy said...

Now aren't you glad you dropped the kids off at Lisa's. It could have been much worse.

The Cleverley's said...

Hey no worries. I figured you were crazy busy or something, because I couldn't get in touch with you. We just ran some errands. Oh and if you ever need someone to take Scarlett on a day like today I can surely do it. It gives me a chance to get my baby hunger satisfied.

Sharon M said...

well, i'm exhausted just reading it. um. kudos? don't know if you get prizes for being the poster child for mormon mom's gone wild, but if so, you get 1st place, or at least tie for 1st with the others that you hang with. it does get less crazy, i promise. and im' glad you like cooking. i like eating, so that should work out somewhere down the line...... Let me know if you are ready for a girls night out.

Druciana said...

You are one busy girl!
I didn't realize you were in one of the wards moving to the new building. I just paid attention to the fact that Reunion Ward was leaving out building because we meet at the same time as them and the halls are/were crazy.

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said... are a super woman!!! If you ever want to come play let me know;) PS I love your blog!!!

Nathan and Rebekah said...

That sounds like everyday in my life! I would like to say it gets better but nope! Sorry! Good luck!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.