Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fadders Day

We usually don't do anything spectacular for Father's Day. I make a special meal with a special dessert, the kids give Nathan a book, and we watch a movie. Last year we did something out that was special, but this year because the weather has been so wet and rainy we decided to stay in. When I mean in, I mean camping in the backyard! Nathan and Lucas couldn't go to the father's and son's outing because it was like 2.5 hours away and because he was in West Virginia, but we improvised and it worked out swimmingly!

So we ate BLT's for dinner and then straight outside to set up the tent...

After everyone was ready (8:30pm) I put Scarlett down for the night in her crib and brought everyone a special treat...

I opted not to do a campfire in my backyard on my baby grass and we did popcorn instead.

Nathan read them a few books and then it was lights out.
In the morning we decided to do cereal in the tent.

We love to camp. It is one of Nathan's favorite things to do actually. We have gone camping while I was pregnant several times and we took Lucas camping with the Youth when he was 4 weeks old. This is something that we just do, but Scarlett might have woken the kids up with the dumb neighborhood dogs or something, so we let her sleep wasn't a big deal since we have a monitor and she sleeps through the night in her own crib. We had fun hanging out in the tent and in the morning we brought her down and let her chill in the baby sleeping bag that Lucas and Bridget have both used in the past...

While Lucas was searching outside for bugs we just layed in the tent and relaxed.

We made funny faces with the flash light and then Bridget went outside to hunt with Lucas.

While Nathan and I were in the tent we observed Lucas and Bridget experience the best thing about camping...

"peeing in the nature" (as Lucas calls it)
I think it's funny Bridget thinks she is the same as Lucas...even when her diaper is still on!
So far we've had a great Fadders Day how about you?


Auntie Stef said...

Umm when I talked to Lucas he said it "peeing in the rocks" haha too cute.

Dad will be proud.

Happy father's Day Nathan!!!

Abbey said...

You always have fun things going on in your house! I am jealous!

Jeanette said...

That looks like so much fun! You guys do such fun stuff!

momowinnie said...

Hahaha, I thought you were kidding about camping in the backyard. I thought your Father in Law took the air mattress on Friday so I guess you really were roughing it back there...I wish I was a cool mom like you. Scarlett I sure was fine, and I am glad you left her in the house...the basement is only what 6 feet away? :)

Courtney Lynn said...

You look so cute with your hair cut! How fun, I bet the kids and Nathan loved it!

Druciana said...

Waht a great memory for your kids!

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

Your children are hilarious!!! You need to write a book and sell it!!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.