Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fall Baking in June

Well, June seems to be promising with the first 2 days of it so far drenched in rain. Perfect timing for our ward's Hawaiian Luau this Friday that Courtney and I are in charge of, (sarcastic) yea!!
The kids looked outside in the gloominess and when it rains in our house I open all of the blinds and let the natural light in so we can see the water falling down. I love the rain. I love that I don't have to turn the sprinklers on. I love that I don't have to have the A/C on in June. I hear the rain smells nice too. I love that it is a little hint of fallish weather and for that we must do something about it...bake!
I let the kids pick out a recipe out of one my grandmother's cookbooks that she sent me. When I realized I didn't have enough butter to make the ones they picked out I suggested my French Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies. They heard chocolate and were in! Hahaha.
I moved Scarlett to the kitchen so she could join in on the fun. Then we got started...
I have secret aspirations to open a dessert shoppe, but not with 3 little ones in tow...
maybe one day, maybe one day.
Even though Lucas always has firetrucks on the brain, he is an excellent at following recipes. He is really good at cracking the eggs too...I have yet to see shells in the bowl, he is very careful about it. It must have been all of those episodes of Ace of Cakes we used to watch last summer! :)
Here is Bridget revealing our Secret to the recipe...French Vanilla Pudding!
Don't forget the Chocolate Chips Lucas shouted!
She isn't even on the seat of the chair! Hahaha.

I went to open the door for a dutch oven delivery and I come back to this...
I asked Lucas what they were doing and he said liking the white powder. The dough is dangerous because of the wet eggs! (I felt dumb for asking after that)

The doorbell rang again so I went to open the door to the post man and Lucas was taking pictures...I thought nothing of it until I hear Lucas yelling at Bridget "Scarlett loves those cookies Bridget, let me take a picture"
Nooooo!!!!! We had a talk about how if you don't have teeth you can't have cookies, or food. Hopefully chocolate doesn't affect children like it does dogs! :) At least it wasn't a box of raisins, like Lucas did to Bridget last March when she was like 4 months old!!!

After nap we played some games and watched Bolt for the 45th time. My kids love Bolt, but not as much as the Blue Toy Story or the Red Toy Story (#1 and #2)
I can't wait for #3 to come out in June next summer! Wa-hoo!

We also finished the invites for Lucas's Big Party in July. We will deliver those on Sunday! :) They are so cute! :)

What a great day and all of this before Nathan came home. CRAZY! Really this was a distraction from getting stuff ready for the activity on Friday! Hahaha.


Auntie Stef said...

Haha I love the Bridge is feeding Scarlett! I love when you bake even though I am still waiting for my care package of SNICKERDOODLES!!!

By the way I have been meaning to tell you I HATE the cory face.

Danielle Smith said...

We always have opposite weather! I am glad this time though. I can't bake because it would heat up the house oo much. I want cookies though!! Scare-Bear is beautiful as always!! Kids feeding babies raisins and other such things, the story of my life!!

Brittney and Michael said...

So fun! You should post that cookie recipe - they look yummy.

Laura said...

sounds delish! I also love the rain. We ran through it with the girls last night and they giggled the whole time.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.