Sunday, June 7, 2009


This entire post is to make all of you who are not in Woodglen totally JEALOUS. Why? Because you missed the best activity EVER!!! I would also like to say that Courtney and I totally pulled it off with minutes to spare! :)

Our Ward Luau on Friday was so much fun! Even the performers from the Westminster Ward said this was the best Luau they had been to in the states! (pat on the back to me and Courtney!) I made sure that we stuck to the itinerary and Courtney made sure that the food tables were full. I took 244 pictures and most of them were great! Brian Hennuse was gracious enough to make the delicious roasted pork and my in-laws made the dessert. Dutch Oven Pineapple Upside Down Cake. When I was serving it to the tables, people asked if it was made the "Witte Way" I laughed and said "why yes, yes it is!"

There were game stations, and Polynesian Dancers courtesy of the Tora's and Schwalger's and they did a super job. The boys in our ward even got to perform their "Haka Dance." After the activities and show and dessert we headed out to watch the fire show and that was pretty cool.

My kids had a great time, and Courtney and I received many compliments. Not bad for doing a first for our ward (A Luau) I am so grateful that Courtney and I are on the same team and that we are a perfect tag team when it comes to planning and executing an awesome activity.

(the Loughe's feeding Scarlett)
I am glad that I am in a ward where everyone looks out for everyone else. Scarlett was taken care of by so many people, and Bridget was with a different person who was willing to keep her fed and happy the entire time. Lucas hung out with Uncle Alex most of the time and it was just nice to know that my kids were safe and that I didn't have to worry.

I am also grateful that Nathan and Russ (Courtney's husband) helped with whatever we needed like dishing out the 17 cakes! We had a great turn out of about 200 people, several visitors, and almost EVERYONE dressed up! I am pleased and proud that I had something to do with this activity.


Auntie Stef said...

Oh Val as being your sister I know you very well. You are so sweet to give Courtney kudos when I know that this even has you written ALL over it.It is a good thing you are there to spice up your ward with different activities!! They are so lucky to have you.

Umm one problem, you didn't send me the video of Lucas dancing. :)

I am glad you are proud you should be, it looks like it was a very successful fun event. I am proud too.

Give hugs and kisses to the little ones.

shana said...

Wow. What an activity. You totally made me jealous!!!

Druciana said...

That looks like a great activity and a great turnout!

Courtney said...

It was pretty amazing wasn't it!!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.