Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rogers Fun

After setting up a play date with Desi, I decided I would bring our art project to her house. Emily and Mordecai would like to paint. So this week we did Plexiglas Smush Painting. Don't you like the technical terms?

You need Plexiglas
Drawing Paper
Paint Brushes
Willingness to paint

There are two ways to do this, thanks to Emily and Lucas we figured out which way was better.

You can apply the paint with a brush, and then lift it off with the paper, or put the paint directly on the plexiglas and smush it with the paper. Peel it off and there you go.

I took the finished products home so I could cut and laminate them and make magnets out of them. See this is how I get to go back to Desi's, to bring her the magnets! :)

After the paint fun we let the kids go wild in the back. Desi and I sat on some chairs and watched all of the fun. On the way home Lucas told me how happy he was to see Emily again, and how he likes her house better than ours. Haha.

Then I fought a hail/rain storm on the way home and went straight to the RS Visiting Teaching Conference.

After our dramatic start of the afternoon (see Lucas's head) it ended nicely with fun, friends, and popsicles. :)


Abigail BBC said...

I was just re-reading something on your last blog and saw that you just posted! Lucky me! Where did you find the plexiglas? This looks like an excellent project for my cousin's kids next weekend! You are amazing yet again!

Auntie Stef said...

Oh poor Lucas! I just want to fly out there and give him a big hug and kiss and take him out and buy him everything he wants. It looks painful.

I like that art project very creative and I am glad you shared with the other kids. I cant wait for next weeks.

Give him a HUGE hug for me. Tell him I will call him later. Give the girls a hug too!!!

Druciana said...

I'm all for technical terms. lol

Abbey said...

You seem to be so patient doing an art project with 4 kids. How do you do it? I am thinking you should open up an art studio for kids in Denver. I would drive out there to see my kids have a good time.

Everytime I see your projects I think...I need to do that! :)

Thanks for sharing your ideas!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.