Thursday, June 25, 2009

Siblings and Suds

The kids had so much fun with Robert and Tanner this morning, that it inspired them to continue the fun outside. Well, they were FILTHY when they came in for dinner, so they got a bath before dinner. It worked out because our HTs came over at 7 and we would not have had time to bathe them and put them down for bed.

They all were so cute. Scarlett is almost sitting up all by herself, this is normal for my little Witte's. Lucas and Bridget both sat up by 4 months and Scarlett is well on her way!

Scarlett doesn't necessarily like the bath, but she does like to be with her siblings.

I love this picture (above) click on it and look at those lashes!

I will admit that these particular pictures were from a few days ago...good thing because this is what Lucas looks like today...

Why is it that EVERYTIME I set up a photo shoot for my kids birthday they always seem to get banged up before the day we are supposed to take them? On Lucas's first birthday he had a little black eye, on his second he had scraped up his chin, now right before his third he hit his forehead and lip. Sheesh! Bridget subsequently had a black eye on her first should see the Florida pictures, she has a huge bruise in every picture. I guess I should just keep them in helmets and face masks the month before. We will have to see if Scarlett is the same way next March. Aaah!

Oh and in case you were curious...I do have the most chill baby on the planet...


Courtney Lynn said...

Bridget is so dark! WOH! Scarlett has such cute dimples! I love kids in tubs.

Auntie Stef said...

Hey easy there Court becareful what you say about my neice. You make it seem like she's black.

Anyways, I love the video...Lucas not being able to hold her up aww they way he said it. Too cute. I absolutley loved her sweet little laugh. I can't wait to see her in person.

Please give all my little ones a big hug and kiss and tell them I will call them later. Miss you guys!

I am so excited about Lucas's birthday. Not only is it going to be an awesome party, but he is going to love our gifts! You know how the Horn's do it. Money and size are no object when it comes to the ones we love. ;) ;) ;)

Abigail BBC said...

Wow Auntie Stef loves her nieces and nephews. Watch out!

I think babies in tubs are so stinkin cute. Enjoy it while you can because one day they will not like a crowded tub and/or each other! Hahaha.

Antonio Johannsen said...

La familia says the printing press is open and working double time as we anticipate Lucas' B-Day #3. The township of Tarzana will be closed all day in celebration. Braemar National is giving away free cappucino ice cream balls all day long.
Bridget Louise keep working on that tan, California dudes dig it!!!
And finally you litle cream pie Scarlett Marie I could just eat you up u r such a cutie pie I could eat you up.
Have a great weekend little ones
Huggs and kisses to all..xoxoxox
The King of Mirador Mountain !!!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Umm, sounds like Antonio has a problem with cream puffs! Or an addiction to my children. Hehehehe.

Liz and Cory said...

I miss them... and you... and Nathan... that's all saw a bunny today and sigh.... love you all.

Veronica said...

You are so right, Lucas with Bridgies smile. Noah wanted Lucas to know he also hurt his lip today. He wants Lucas to know it is okay and not to feel sad because they are the same. That is all! :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.