Friday, June 19, 2009


Lucas finally got to have his buddy Robert over. For most of you who read this blog know that Robert is Lucas's bestest friend. They have such a fun little time together and luckily Robert doesn't mind Bridget tagging along.

Lucas asks me almost daily if we are going to see Robert on our daily errands and such. I always tell him no, and he says that it is okay because on Sunday he gets to see Robert. Did I mention that Sunday is Lucas's favorite day? It used to be Thursday but now, for the summer it is Sunday. :)

Robert brought his basketball like he usually does and this time Lucas noticed that on his ball was his name. I told him it was his last name Whitaker. Lucas said no, Witte. I said Robert's last name is Whitaker. Both of them laughed and said Witte-ker? I showed them that they have a lot of letters the same. They thought that was cool, and kept saying it Witte-ker.

We went out front and played a new game I made up. I am currently working out the rules and name of this game but here is how it looked...

I am so glad we have great grass and a nice big established Cottonwood tree in the front of our house, it is so nice and shady on hot days like today!

Bridget was just trying to be involved. It was so funny.
This game is a cross between hopscotch and running crazy while catching the ball. They loved it. They threw the ball in and then hopped through the hoops to catch it. They tried kicking it in and rolling it in, running over them and then rolling through them. I wish I was 3 so I could have has much fun as they seemed to be having.

Thanks Robert for coming over and having a few good laughs!
I am sure I will be hearing about this day for the next few days...well at least until Sunday!
Poor Gwen (their Nursery teacher)

My kids begged me to watch Super Why before nap, so I took that as I have 22 minutes to blog, well...I came up and this is what I found...

Snoring away...lets take a closer look shall we?

Lucas strewn across the arm of the unslipcovered couch with his fresh Diego band aid and a leaf in his hand to remember the day he had...

and the Bridge firmly pressed into the crease of the couch and never without that stinkin fleece tie blanket. Tomorrow's post will be about what fleece means to me... a poem by yours truly. This my friends is what I like to call a deep sleep! :)


Courtney Lynn said...

This kills me. I wish my kids had friends to play with. I am glad you are out there playing along side them, most people just leave them outside and neglect the fact that they are caring for someone else's kid. Awesome!

Lisa said...

Robert had fun-thanks for having him over.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.