Wednesday, August 5, 2009

For the 3rd Time

The ZOO! We only go on the free day in October and then again in the winter for Zoo Lights, but this is our 3rd timee to the Zoo this year and we had a great time! Liz and Cory thought it would be fun since we went with them last year and it was hot, but pretty fun. They said it was hotter here than it was in AZ but I can't believe that. I just can't.

I learned this trip that if you have a King Soopers card you get a dollar off admission per person. Who knew?
One thing I love about the Zoo is that every time we go, something there stands out to make the trip different. Whether its the people or my children's behavior, or the weather, or even a particular animal that is peeing right in front of you (Mr. Zebra that is rude!) no matter what it is, it sure makes going to the Zoo an adventure!
Bridget and Cory checking out the elephants for the second time.
I brought water guns because it was 90-freaking-five outside!
Bridget just learned how to jump more than one time in a row and was impressed with herself.
Scarlett was the navigator aka map eater.
We always ride the train, so this time we rode the carousel...Thanks Uncle Cory and Aunt Liz!
I went in to take a picture and the old lady running the carousel let me and Scar hitch a free ride. It was great, and the grandma I sat next too told me that my children were so well mannered and handsome. I did a double kids? Hahaha. Just Kidding.
They did pretty well since we went right in the middle of their nap time! :)
It was a fun TUESDAY. When the kids said bye to Liz and Cory-Lucas was so sad. I assured him we had one more day with them.


1 comment:

Auntie Stef said...

Wow. That looks like fun. I hope the kids enjoyed their visit with Liz and Cory.

Just a few more months and grandpa and grandma will be there. That will be more fun.

XoXoXo to the little ones.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.